Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Delaware Bay)

Select Item Title Year Published
2003 Delaware Estuary water education resource guide / 2002
Analysis of Operation 'Deep Six' Benthic Invertebrates. 1975
Biogeochemistry of sediments of Delaware Bay / 1972
Biological and water quality investigation of tributaries to the Delaware Estuary-Bay 1971
Coastal communications : National Coastal Assessment : Delaware Bay : ORD/Regions 2 & 3/OW/DRBC / 2001
Comprehensive bibliography on Delaware Bay, 1973
Data from the 1977 TransX cruises 1980
Delaware Bay report series. 1973
Delaware Estuary and Bay Water Quality Sampling and Mathematical Modeling Project. 1970
Delaware River and Bay water quality assessment 1994-1995 305(b) report / 1996
Delaware shoreline plan. 1966
Effect of spoil disposal on benthic communities near the mouth of Delaware Bay 1974
EMAP-Virginian province, four year assessment 1990-1993 / 1999
Environmental vulnerability of the Delaware Bay area to supertanker accommodation 1973
Executive summary of the comprehensive conservation and management plan for the Delaware Estuary, public review draft. 1994
Final report of survey of benthos : Delaware Estuary : from the area of the C & D Canal through Philadelphia to Trenton / 1993
History and forecasts of commodities and vessel traffic : report of task one of comprehensive analysis of transport / 1992
Impacts of a deepwater terminal 1974
Industrial Wasteline Study. A System for Controlled Ocean Disposal. 1970
Inventory and evaluation of information on Delaware Bay 1972
Linking elements of the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) with the planned national water quality monitoring network : proceedings from the NOAA-supported workshop, 19-21 September, 2005 / 2006
Mercury in the environment : a global review including recent studies in the Delaware Bay region 1973
Navigation study : Delaware Bay - Chesapeake Bay Waterway (Delaware, Maryland and Virginia) : environmental statement. 1970
Oyster setting and early spat survival at critical salinity levels on natural seed oyster beds of Delaware Bay 1976
Physical oceanography, 1973
Pictorial guide to fish larvae of Delaware Bay : with information and bibliographies useful for the study of fish larvae / 1973
Preliminary Investigation of Sewage Sludge Dumping off Delaware Bay. 1968
Projected hazardous spills in the Delaware River and Delaware Bay with and without channel deepening : report of task three : comprehensive analysis of transport / 1992
Projected vessel casualties and hazardous spills in the Delaware River and Delaware Bay with and without channel deepening, 1990-2010 : final report : comprehensive analysis of transport / 1993
Some population dynamics of the blue crab and hard clam in Indian River and Rehoboth Bays and the American lobster in Delaware Bay, Delaware 1970
Suspended sediment in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal / 1977
The biology of the oyster community and its associated fauna in Delaware Bay, 1973
Trace metal geochemistry of estuarine sediments 1973

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