Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
Showing: Items 1 - 38
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Arsenic inorganic compounds)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acute toxicity of selected toxicants to six species of fish / 1976
Ambient water quality criteria for arsenic / 1980
Ambient Water Quality Criteria: Arsenic. 1978
Collaborative testing of methods for measurements of N02 in ambient air : volume 1 - report of testing / 1974
Evaluation of the potential carcinogenicity of acacodylic acid (75-60-5) / 1988
Evaluation of the potential carcinogenicity of arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds / 1988
Evaluation of the potential carcinogenicity of dichlorophenylarsine (696-28-6) / 1988
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing arsenic acid (non-wood preservative uses) as an active ingredient, chemical code 006801, case number GS-0389, CAS registry number 7778-39-4. 1987
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing arsenic, chronium, and chromated arsenical compounds as the active ingredient. 1988
Health assessment document for inorganic arsenic : final report. 1984
Health Assessment Document for Inorganic Arsenic. External Review Draft. 1983
Inorganic arsenic emissions from glass manufacturing plants : background information for promulgated standards / 1986
Inorganic arsenic emissions from glass manufacturing plants : background information for proposed standards / 1983
Inorganic arsenic emissions from high-arsenic primary copper smelters : background information for proposed standards / 1983
Inorganic arsenic emissions from low-arsenic primary copper smelters : background information for proposed standards / 1983
Inorganic arsenic emissions from primary copper smelters and arsenic plants : background information for promulgated standards / 1986
Inorganic arsenicals : position document 1. {Microfiche} / 1978
Inorganic arsenicals : position document 2/3. 1987
Inorganic arsenicals : position document 4. 1988
Metabolism and Disposition of Inorganic Arsenic in Laboratory Animals and Humans. 1992
Pesticide fact sheet : arsenic acid (H3AS04). 1993
Pesticide fact sheet : arsenic acid (H3AS04). 1994
Pesticide fact sheet : inorganic arsenical pesticides. 1993
Pesticide fact sheet number 112.1 : lead arsenate / 1990
Pesticide fact sheet number 31 : wood preservatives / 1984
Pesticide fact sheet number 91.1 : arsenic acid (H3AsO4) / 1991
Preliminary study of sources of inorganic arsenic 1982
Recommended Methods of Reduction, Neutralization, Recovery, or Disposal of Hazardous Waste. Volume VI. National Disposal Site Candidate Waste Stream Constituent Profile Reports. Mercury, Arsenic, Chromium, and Ca dmium Compounds. 1973
Recommended Methods of Reduction, Neutralization, Recovery, or Disposal of Hazardous Waste. Volume XIV. Summary of Waste Origins, Forms, and Quantities. 1973
Reproductive Effects Assessment Group's Report on the Mutagenicity of Inorganic Arsenic. 1985
Selected non-carcinogenic effects of industrial exposure to inorganic arsenic / 1977
Special report on ingested inorganic arsenic: skin cancer ; nutritional essentiality / 1987
Speciation of arsenic compounds in water supplies / 1982
Technical and microeconomic analysis of arsenic and its compounds / 1976
Validation of an Emission Measurement Method for Inorganic Arsenic from Stationary Sources: Proposed Method 108. Laboratory and Field Test Evaluation. 1984
Wood preservative pesticides : creosote, pentachlorophenol and the inorganic arsenicals (wood uses) / 1981
Wood preservative pesticides : creosote, pentachlorophenol and the inorganic arsenicals : position document 4. 1984
Wood preservative pesticides : creosote, pentachlorophenol, and the inorganic arsenicals. 1984

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