Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
An annotated bibliography of aquatic sediment traps and trapping methods / 1980
Aniline vapour. 1968
Bacteria in a North Carolina salt marsh : standing crop and importance in the decomposition of Spartina alterniflora 1978
Bioassay of trisodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate trihydrate for possible carcinogenicity. 1977
Biological systems, modelling and control 1979
Chemistry of snowmelt water : changes in concentration during melting = Smeltevannskjemi : konsentrasjonsendringer under smelting 1977
Cloud and weather modification: a group of field experiments, 1957
Data summary Potomac River nutrient cruises : 1965-1966 1966
Delineation of an exclusion area around the Chestertown outfall on the Chester River and the Back River sewage treatment plant 1972
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the plywood, hardboard and wood preserving segment of the timber products processing point source category / 1974
Economic impact analysis of constraints on particulate control equipment replacements, R79-3 / 1979
Effects of exposure to time excess temperature histories typically experienced at power plants on the hatching success of fish eggs. 1973
Effects of polluting discharges on the Thames Estuary : the reports of the Thames Survey Committee and of the Water Pollution Research Laboratory. 1964
Embankment dams on permafrost : design and performance summary, bibliography, and an annotated bibliography 1987
Ethylene oxide toxicology and its relevance to man an up-dating of ECETOC technical report no 5. 1984
Final report on protocol for evaluating fates of chemicals in the atmosphere 1982
Fisheries biology for everyone 1986
Great Lakes water temperatures, 1966-1975 / 1976
Ground water in northern Utah Valley, Utah: a progress report for the period 1948-63, 1965
Guidelines for dewatering/densifying confined dredged material / 1978
High yield wind energy resources in New York State : prepared for New York State Energy Research and Development Authority 1980
Hydrogeologic atlas, New Windsor quadrangle, Carroll County, Maryland 1980
Industrial ground-water pumpage in Ohio. 1949
Isotope techniques in the hydrologic cycle papers. 1967
Lake Erie drainage basin: area draining into Lake Erie between Ohio-Michigan and Pennsylvania-New York borders: summary report on water pollution, 1951
Lumps, models, and kinetics in practice 1979
Map of Colorado uranium and vanadium mining and milling activities 1978
Measurement of tides and currents in Kent Island Narrows : final report / 1978
Nutrient requirements of trout, salmon, and catfish. 1973
Operation of wastewater treatment plants / 1976
Operation of wastewater treatment plants. 1970
Petrology and origin of Potomac and Magothy (Cretaceous) sediments, Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain, 1969
Proceedings of a conference on restoring man-made lakes in Illinois : at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, February 19, 1980 1980
Proceedings. 1970
Public health response to acute poisoning : poison control programmes, report on a working group, Munich 16-20 December 1985. 1986
Public standposts for developing countries. 1978
Pulmonary fibrosis in soft coal miners; an annotated bibliography on the entity recently described as soft coal pneumoconiosis 1954
Removal of hazardous wastes in wastewater facilities : halogenated organics / 1986
Report on problems of combined sewer facilities and overflows, 1967; a national inventory of the effects and means of correcting combined sewer overflows and separate storm and sanitary sewer discharges in the United States. 1967
Surface temperature gradients observed in marine areas receiving warm water discharges / 1967
Symposium on Organ Culture: Studies of Development, Function, and Disease. 1963
Technique for environmental decision making using quantified social and aesthetic values. 1974
Temperatures of streams and selected reservoirs in Pennsylvania 1975
The photochemical apparatus, its structure and function; report of symposium held June 16-18, 1958. 1959
To establish viable methods of maintaining waste treatment facility efficiencies with reference to flow variations 1974
Trends report of energy assistance programs in the fifty states, 1 979-1984 1985
Use of dredged material in solid waste management : final report / 1977
Visibility trend in Los Angeles 1955
Water inventory of the Maumee River basin. 1960
Water levels in Southwestern Louisiana, April 1960 to April 1961, with a discussion of waterlevel trends from 1950 to 1960 by Chabot Kilburn and Harry M. Whitman. 1962
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