Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Zimmerman AND David)

Select Item Title Year Published
Anthropogenic emissions data for the 1985 NAPAP inventory : final report / 1988
Comparison of the 1985 NAPAP emissions inventory with the 1985 EPA TRENDS estimate for industrial SO2 sources : final report / 1994
Comparison of the 1985 NAPAP emissions inventory with the 1985 EPA trends estimate for industrial SO2 sources : project summary / 1993
Estimation of air emissions from abandoned hazardous waste sites in southeast the Chicago / 1989
Estimation of alkylated lead emissions : final report / 1993
Multiple regression modeling approach for regional water quality management / 1978
Review and evaluation of current methods and user needs for other stationary combustion sources / 1992
Review and evaluation of current methods and user needs for other stationary combustion sources : project summary / 1993
Revised emissions estimation methodologies for industrial, residential, and electric utility stationary combustion sources / 1992
Revised emissions estimation methodologies for industrial, residential, and electric utility stationary combustion sources / 1992
Revised emissions estimation methodologies for industrial, residential, and electric utility stationary combustion sources : project summary / 1993
The birds of Illinois / 1989

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