Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1990 NPTS databook. Vol. I / 1993
1990 NPTS databook. Vol. II / 1993
A brief introduction to fluid mechanics / 2001
A framework for assessing and reporting on ecological condition / 2002
A framework for assessing and reporting on ecological condition : executive summary / 2002
A guide to mapping intertidal eelgrass and nonvegetated habitats in estuaries of the Pacific Northwest USA / 2007
A methodology to inventory, classify, and prioritize uncontrolled waste disposal sites / 1983
A methodology to inventory, classify, and prioritize uncontrolled waste disposal sites / 1983
A revision of Taylor nomenclature, Upper Cretaceous, Central Texas. 1965
Access 2003 all-in-one desk reference for dummies / 2003
Acid deposition and the West : a scientific assessment / 1986
Adsorption and Desorption of Zn, Cu, and Cr by Sediments from the Raisi River (Michigan). 1987
Advanced environmental monitoring 2008
Advanced Environmental Monitoring [electronic resource] / 2008
Advanced fluid catalytic cracking technology / 1992
Advances in biotechnology 1981
Agent Orange and its associated dioxin : assessment of a controversy / 1988
Agent Orange Task Force status report : April 1990 - May 1994 / 1994
Air pollution control and design handbook / 1977
Air pollution control technology for municipal solid waste-to-energy conversion facilities : capabilities and research needs 1980
Air pollution report, Federal facilities : metropolitan Denver air quality control region / 1970
Air pollution report, Federal facilities Metropolitan Cleveland Intrastate Air Quality Control Region / 1970
Air pollution report, federal facilities, Phoenix-Tucson intrastate air quality control region 1970
Algal-availability of Particulate Phosphorus from Diffuse and Point Sources in the Lower Great Lakes Basin. 1982
Algal-Available Particulate Phosphorus in the Great Lakes Basin. 1985
Algal-Available Phosphorus in Suspended Sediments from Lower Great Lakes Tributaries. 1981
Alternatives to sprawl 1995
Amazing L.A. environment : a handbook for change / 1991
An assessment of key biological resources in the Delaware River Estuary / 1991
An evaluation of the cost of point source nitrogen limits of treatment implementation in the Chesapeake Bay watershed / 2001
An SAB report : review of the Agency's approach for developing sediment criteria for five metals / 1995
An urban air quality simulation with community multi-scale air quality (CMAQ) modeling system / 1998
Analysis of National Water Pollution Control Policies. 1. A National Network Model. 1981
Annotated bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey reports on water-power resources, including floods and droughts 1954
Application of microwave energy to the extraction of organic compounds from solid samples / 1994
Application of Microwave Energy to the Extraction of Organic Compounds from Solid Samples. 1994
Application of reverse osmosis technology to Hawaiian low quality waters : project completion report of reverse osmosis technology 1973
Application of Reverse Osmosis Technology to Hawaiian Low Quality Waters. 1973
Application of the electromagnetic borehole flowmeter 1998
Application of the electromagnetic borehole flowmeter : project summary / 1998
Approach to modeling a stream aquifer system for conjunctive management 1994
APTI Course SI:412D control of gaseous and particulate emissions : self-instructional workbook / 1984
Aquatic microbiology laboratory manual 1976
Arsenic in New Jersey Coastal Plain Streams, Sediments, and Shallow Groundwater: Effects from Different Geologic Sources and Anthropogenic Inputs on Biogeochemical and Physical Mobilization Processes. 2013
Assessing economic effects of salinity on irrigated agriculture in the Colorado River Basin : agronomic and economic considerations / 1973
Assessing toxicity of organic chemicals to anaerobic treatment processes / 1989
Assessment of annual total phosphorus tributary loading estimates : application to the Saginaw River / 1986
Assessment of key biological resources in the Delaware River Estuary 1991
Atlas of marine invertebrate larvae / 2006
Atlas of marine invertebrate larvae / 2002
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