Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A dynamic three-dimensional air pollution exposure model for Hong Kong / 2018
A methodology for determining the effects of fuels and additives on atmospheric visibility / 1975
Accounting for meteorological effects in measuring urban ozone levels and trends / 1993
Advances in Earth Observation of Global Change [electronic resource] / 2010
Advances in SAR Remote Sensing of Oceans / 2018
An estimation of the daily average food intake based on data from the 1977-1978 USDA Nationwide Food Consumption Survey / 1984
An estimation of the daily average food intake by age and sex for use in assessing the radionuclide intake of individuals in the general population / 1984
Ancient underground opening and preservation / 2016
Applications of Sensitivity Analysis to a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model for Carbon Tetrachloride in Rats. 1994
Approach to midcourse evaluation of mechanical integrity testing / 1983
Arterial Blood Gases, Pulmonary Function and Pathology in Rats Exposed to 0.75 or 1.0 ppm Ozone. 1980
Assessing Indoor Air Pollution Exposure and Lung Cancer Risk in Xuan Wei, China. 1989
Assessment and statistical modeling of the relationship between remotely sensed aerosol optical depth and PM2.5 in the eastern United States / 2012
Assessment of industrial hazardous waste practices in the metal smelting and refining industry / 1977
Assessment of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices in the Metal Smelting and Refining Industry. Volume III. Ferrous Smelting and Refining. 1977
Assessment of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices in the Metal Smelting and Refining Industry. Volume IV. Appendices. 1977
Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture 2006 and Beyond Proceedings of the 11th IAPTC&B Congress, August 31-18, 2006 Beijing, China / [electronic resource] : 2007
Capturing connectivity and causality in complex industrial processes / 2014
Carcinogenicity and pesticides : principles, issues, and relationships. Biological issues in extrapolation. / 1989
Carcinogenicity and Pesticides: Biological Issues in Extrapolation. 1989
Case Studies Addendum: 1-8. Remedial Response at Hazardous Waste Sites. 1988
Clinical Toxinology in Asia Pacific and Africa [electronic resource] / 2015
Comparison of Gas Chromatography/Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometric Gram-Schmidt Reconstructions from Different Interferometers. 1984
Compendium of costs of remedial technologies at hazardous waste sites / 1988
Compendium of costs of remedial technologies at hazardous waste sites / 1987
Complete chemical analysis of aerosol particles in real-time 1997
Considerations for Developing a Dosimetry-Based Cumulative Risk Assessment Approach for Mixtures of Environmental Contaminants. 2007
Definition of Airway Composition Within Gamma Camera Images. 1994
Derivatization of Organic and Inorganic N-Chloramines for High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Chlorinated Water. 1984
Design parameters for animal waste treatment systems / 1974
Determination of Suspended Exhaust PM Mass for Light-Duty Vehicles / 2014
Development of design parameters for biological treatment of industrial wastewaters. 1969
Development of procedures and costs for proper abandonment and plugging of injection wells / 1980
Dioxin 2001 : 21st International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), held 9-14 September 2001, Gyeongju, Korea / 2001
Direct Determination of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Coal Liquids and Shale Oil. 1981
Dissolved Free Amino Acids, Combined Amino Acids, and DNA as Sources of Carbon and Nitrogen to Marine Bacteria. 1993
Distribution and relative abundance of dominant plankton diatoms in Lake Michigan 1970
Dynamic Response and Deformation Characteristic of Saturated Soft Clay under Subway Vehicle Loading [electronic resource] / 2014
Economic analyses, Class I well rehabilitation / 1980
Economic analysis and risk management : an application to hazardous wastes / 1984
Economic analysis of air pollution regulations : asphalt roofing and processing: final rule. 2003
Economic impact analysis for the lime manufacturing MACT standard : final report / 2003
Economic impact analysis of the plastic parts and products NESHAP 2003
Economic Implications of Biological Control of Arundo donax in the Texas Rio Grande Basin. 2009
Effects of Carinal Ridge Shapes on Lung Airstreams. 1994
Effects of Fan Cycling on the Particle Shedding of Particulate Air Filters Used for IAQ Control. 1998
Evapotranspiration Over Heterogeneous Vegetated Surfaces Models and Applications / [electronic resource] : 2015
Extrapolation Modeling of Aerosol Deposition in Human and Laboratory Rat Lungs. 1992
Final report for verification of the metal finishing facility pollution prevention tool (MFFPPT) [electronic resource] / 2007
Flow visualization III : proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Flow Visualization, September 6-9, 1983, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 1985
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