Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to common freshwater invertebrates of North America / 2002
A nomogram for the calculation of dissolved oxygen / 1931
A planning guide for a self-help flood forecasting and warning program for the Swatara Creek watershed, Pennsylvania / 1976
A program strategy for envrironmental management in Pakistan / 1990
A report on the decontamination and decommissioning of the technical (T) building at Mound Laboratory / 1976
A Review of methods for remote sensing of atmospheric emissions from stationary sources / 1988
Accuracy Assessment of EPA Protocol Gases in 1988. 1989
Adapting Watershed Tools to Protect Wetlands. Wetlands and Watersheds Article No. 3. 2005
Agricultural uses of municipal, animal, and industrial byproducts 1998
Air pollution control compliance analysis report on coal-fired industrial boilers 1976
Air Pollution Control Compliance Analysis Report on Coal-Fired Industrial Boilers. 1976
Analyses of brines from oil-productive formations in Oklahoma / 1957
Analysis of EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Protocol Gases Used for Calibration and Audits of Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems and Ambient Air Analyzers - Results of Audit 6. 1985
Analysis of original equipment and aftermarket manufacturer oxygen sensor constructional, functional, and price differences / 1989
Analysis of original equipment and aftermarket manufacturer oxygen sensor constructional, functional, and price differences / 1989
Analytical Techniques for Measuring Hydrocarbon Emissions from the Manufacture of Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastics. 1998
Angels in America / 2004
Application of Capillary Supercritical Fluid Chromatography to the Analysis of a Middle Distillate Fuel. 1984
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Galveston, Texas, offshore disposal site : evaluative summary : final report / 1978
Aquatic dredged material disposal impacts 1978
Arc marine : GIS for a blue planet / 2007
Assessing the biological quality of fresh waters : RIVPACS and other techniques ; invited contributions from an International Workshop held in Oxford, UK on 16-18 September 1997 by the Institute of Freshwater Ecology (NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology), UK, Environment Agency, UK, Environment Australia, Land and Water Resources R & D Corporation, Canberra, Australia / 2000
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) : an annotated bibliography / 1975
Atmospheric chemistry of potential emissions from fuel conversion facilities : a smog chamber study / 1978
Atmospheric chemistry of selected sulfur-containing compounds : outdoor smog chamber study -- phase 1 / 1979
Atmospheric Chemistry of Selected Sulfur-Containing Compounds. Outdoor Smog Chamber Study. Phase 2. 1981
Audit materials for semivolatile organic measurements during hazardous waste trial burns / 1990
Automotive gas turbine optimum configuration study / 1972
Biochemical and immunological taxonomy of animals 1974
Biodegradation of Environmental Pollutants by the White Rot Fungus 'Phanerochaete chrysosporium'. 1993
Blackstone River initiative : water quality analysis of the Blackstone River under wet and dry weather conditions / 2001
Blackstone River, 1990 1992
Brown Tide Bioassay: Growth of 'Aureococcus Anophagefferens' Hargraves Et Sieburth in Various Known Toxicants. 1990
Bureaucrats, politics, and the environment 2004
Cameron hydraulic data, a handy reference on the subjects of hydraulics, steam and water vapor 1970
Cancer Mortality and Public Drinking Water in St. Louis City and County. 1980
Cardiovascular diseases : guidelines for prevention and care : reports of the Inter-Society Commission for Heart Disease Resources / 1973
Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1972 / 1974
Chlorine and the Chesapeake Bay a review of research literature / 1984
City of Chattanooga Industrial-Municipal Pretreatment Program. 1981
Co-composting of domestic solid and human wastes 1987
Coal-cleaning and flue gas desulfurization computer model users manual / 1987
Coal-Cleaning and Flue Gas Desulfurization Computer Model. User's Manual. 1986
Coastal wetlands of Virginia : interim report of the Governor and General Assembly / 1969
Companies That Generate Hazardous Waste and Ship It Off-Site: 1986 Annual Report. 1987
Companies that Generate Hazardous Waste and Ship It Off-Site: 1987 Annual Report. 1989
Companies that Generate, Treat, Dispose or Recover Hazardous Waste. 1991 Annual Report. 1993
Companies That Treat, Store, and Dispose of Hazardous Waste: 1985 Annual Report. 1986
Companies That Treat, Store, and Dispose of Hazardous Waste: 1986 Annual Report. 1987
Companies that Treat, Store, and Dispose of Hazardous Waste: 1987 Annual Report. 1989
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