Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Review of methods for remote sensing of atmospheric emissions from stationary sources / 1988
Accuracy Assessment of EPA Protocol Gases in 1988. 1989
Agricultural uses of municipal, animal, and industrial byproducts 1998
Analysis of EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Protocol Gases Used for Calibration and Audits of Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems and Ambient Air Analyzers - Results of Audit 6. 1985
Analysis of original equipment and aftermarket manufacturer oxygen sensor constructional, functional, and price differences / 1989
Analysis of original equipment and aftermarket manufacturer oxygen sensor constructional, functional, and price differences / 1989
Analytical Techniques for Measuring Hydrocarbon Emissions from the Manufacture of Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastics. 1998
Application of Capillary Supercritical Fluid Chromatography to the Analysis of a Middle Distillate Fuel. 1984
Atmospheric chemistry of potential emissions from fuel conversion facilities : a smog chamber study / 1978
Atmospheric chemistry of selected sulfur-containing compounds : outdoor smog chamber study -- phase 1 / 1979
Atmospheric Chemistry of Selected Sulfur-Containing Compounds. Outdoor Smog Chamber Study. Phase 2. 1981
Audit materials for semivolatile organic measurements during hazardous waste trial burns / 1990
Automotive gas turbine optimum configuration study / 1972
Brown Tide Bioassay: Growth of 'Aureococcus Anophagefferens' Hargraves Et Sieburth in Various Known Toxicants. 1990
Coal-cleaning and flue gas desulfurization computer model users manual / 1987
Coal-Cleaning and Flue Gas Desulfurization Computer Model. User's Manual. 1986
Compendium of Watershed-Scale Models for TMDL Development. 1992
Compilation and analysis of state regulations for S02, NOx, opacity, continuous monitoring and applicable test methods : executive summary / 1978
Compilation and analysis of State regulations for SO2, NOx, opacity, continuous monitoring and applicable test methods / 1978
Compilation and Analysis of State Regulations for SO2, NOX, Opacity, Continuous Monitoring, and Applicable Test Methods. Stationary Source Enforcement Series. Volume I. 1978
Compilation and Analysis of State Regulations for SO2, NOX, Opacity, Continuous Monitoring, and Applicable Test Methods. Stationary Source Enforcement Series. Volume II. 1978
Compilation and Analysis of State Regulations for SO2, NOX, Opacity, Continuous Monitoring, and Applicable Test Methods. Stationary Source Enforcement Series. Volume III. 1978
Computer economics of physical coal cleaning and flue gas desulfurization / 1986
Computer Economics of Physical Coal Cleaning and Flue Gas Desulfurization. Final Report. 1985
Consolidation of baseline information, development of methodology, and investigation of thermal impacts on freshwater shellfish, insects, and other biota / 1984
Curriculum vitae of scientists to participate in the U.S. IBP grassland Biome studies proposed for 1972 and 1973 / 1971
Delaware estuary comprehensive study : final report : chapter 1, hydrology / 1971
Demonstration of a scenario approach for technology assessment transportation sector / [electronic resource] : 2004
Determination of Aldicarb Residues in Water by Combined High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. 1982
EPA traceability protocol for assay and certification of gaseous calibration standards 1997
EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards. 2012
EPA traceability protocol for assay and certification of gaseous calibration standards. 1993
Evaluation of Pollution Prevention Techniques to Reduce Styrene Emissions from Open Contact Molding Processes. Volume 1. Final Report. 1997
Evaluation of Pollution Prevention Techniques to Reduce Styrene Emissions from Open Contact Molding Processes. Volume 2. Appendices. 1997
Federal practice and procedure. 1969
Fiber Optic Fluoroimmunosensor for the Detection of Polychlorinated Biphenyls. 1995
Field evaluation of an electrogasdynamic fog dispersal concept. 1973
Grassland Biome graduate student symposium : a review / 1970
High-temperature erosion-corrosion of alloys : final report / 1980
Hot mix asphalt plants : technical systems audit of testing at Plant "C," Asphalt Plant "C," Los Angeles, California. 2000
Identification of Polychlorinated Terphenyls at Trace Levels in Human Adipose Tissue by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. 1978
Laboratory and field evaluations of extrasensitive sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide analyzers for acid deposition monitoring / 1990
Land use in a nutshell 1985
Land use in a nutshell / 2006
Literature survey of emissions associated with emerging energy technologies / 1977
MAGIC Simulation of Surface Water Acidification at, and First Year Results from the Bear Brook Watershed Manipulation, Maine, USA. 1992
Manual of procedures and criteria for inspecting the installation of flexible membrane liners in hazardous waste facilities / 1987
Manufacturing cost study of selected gas turbine automobile engine concepts / 1971
Method development for the assessment of possible human exposure to pesticides and industrial chemicals / 1981
Method development for the assessment of possible human exposure to pesticides and industrial chemicals / 1981
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