Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 6
Showing: Items 1 - 6
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Woodbury AND M AND A)

Select Item Title Year Published
Assessment of Spatial Variation of Risks in Small Populations. 1991
Compartment Model Approaches for Estimating the Parameters of a Chronic Disease Process under Changing Risk Factor Exposures. 1986
Composite Estimation Model for Producing Stabilized Health Rate Estimates for Small Areas Using Sample Surveys: Experience from Health Surveys in Ethiopia, India and Indonesia. 1987
Estimating Hidden Morbidity via Its Effect on Mortality and Disability (Journal Version). 1988
Models of the Interaction of Mortality and the Evolution of Risk Factor Distribution: A General Stochastic Process Formulation (Journal Version). 1988
Statistically Adjusted Estimates of Geographic Mortality Profiles. 1987

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