Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
21st century cooperation : regional public goods, global governance, and sustainable development / 2017
A day in October / 2005
A manual of California vegetation / 2009
A tidewater place : portrait of the Willapa ecosystem / 1993
Advances in invertebrate reproduction 3 : proceedings of the Third International Symposium of the International Society of Invertebrate Reproduction (ISIR) held in Tubingen, Federal Republic of Germa ny, on 22-27 August, 1983 1984
Aerodynamics of road vehicles : from fluid mechanics to vehicle engineering / 1998
Alternative Low-VOC, Low Toxicity Cleanup Solvents For the Lithographic Printing Industry. 2004
Alternative Low-VOC, Low Toxicity Cleanup Solvents for the Screen Printing Industry. 2005
Alternatives to VOC Emitting Petroleum Based Lubricants and Chlorinated Paraffin Lubricants: Minimizing the Health and Environmental Consequences. 2004
An assessment of ozone and chlorine dioxide technologies for treatment of municipal water supplies / 1978
Atlas der Krebsinzidenz in der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1978-1982 Wolf Heiger Mehnert ... {et al.} ; in Zusamenarbeit mit Peter Bernstein, Wolfhard Staneczek, Lutz Beckmann = Atlas of cancer incidence in the former German Democratic Republic, 1978-1982 / 1992
Atrazine degradation, sorption, and bioconcentration in water systems : project completion report 1982
Bachman Treatment Facility for Excessive Storm Flow in Sanitary Sewers. 1977
Bacterial Sorption of Heavy Metals. 1989
Binary Recursive Partitioning Method for Modeling Hot-Stabilized Emissions from Motor Vehicles. 1997
Chemical accumulation in plant tissues from aqueous exposure / 1989
Chemical induction of cancer : structural bases and biological mechanisms / 1968
Chemical induction of cancer : structural bases and biological mechanisms / Vol. 2B / Joseph C. Arcos, Mary F. Argus. 1974
Climate adaptation for DoD natural resource managers : a guide to incorporating climate considerations into integrated natural resource management plans / 2019
CO2 in seawater : equilibrium, kinetics, isotopes / 2001
Combined-sewer overflow data and methods of sample collection for selected sites, Detroit, Michigan / 1997
Combined-sewer overflow data and methods of sample collection for selected sites, Detroit, Michigan / 1997
Comparison of Rates of Water Loss Through Transpiration of Several Southern New Mexico Phreatophyte Species. 1973
Compleat General Counsel. 1981
Composition and function of cell membranes : application to the pathophysiology of muscle diseases 1981
Conditional Simulation of Flow and Transport. 1991
Contaminants and remedial options at wood preserving sites / 1992
Contaminated soil '88 1988
Deformation and Gravity Change: Indicators of Isostasy, Tectonics, Volcanism, and Climate Change [electronic resource] / 2007
Direct/Delayed Response Project : interlaboratory differences in the northeastern soil survey data / 1990
Discovering Great Lakes dunes 1998
Earth System Science: Bridging the Gaps between Disciplines Perspectives from a Multi-Disciplinary Helmholtz Research School / [electronic resource] : 2013
Economic and Institutional Analysis of Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Projects. 1971
Economic implications of regulating chlorofluorocarbon emissions from nonaerosol applications : an executive briefing. 1980
Economic implications of regulating chlorofluorocarbon emissions from nonaerosol applications : an executive briefing. 1980
Economic implications of regulating chlorofluorocarbon emissions from nonaerosol applications. 1980
Effects of a 'Clean' Coal-Fired Power Generating Station on Four Common Wisconsin Lichen Species. 1980
Elementary surveying : an introduction to geomatics / 2002
ENAMAP-1 long-term SO2 and sulfate pollution model : Adaptation and application to Eastern North America / 1980
ENAMAP-1 long-term SO2 and sulfate pollution model : further application to eastern North America / 1981
Environmental assessment of shop towel usage in the automotive and printing industries / 1997
Environmental Assessment of Shop Towel Usage in the Automotive and Printing Industries Project Summary 1997
Evaluation of high and prolonged levels of sewage wastewater on marsh vegetation technical completion report / 1983
Evaluation of Hydraulic Conductivities Calculated from Multiport-Permeameter Measurements. 1991
Evaluation of New and Emerging Technologies for Textile Cleaning. 2005
Evaluation of PCB destruction efficiency in an industrial boiler / 1981
Field Applications of Chemical Time-Series Sampling. 1983
Field bioassay test for detecting contaminant uptake from dredged material by marsh plants / 1978
Final report on field investigation of sulfur dioxide washout from the plume of a large coal-fired power plant by natural precipitation / 1971
Fish viruses and fish viral diseases 1988
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