Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 6
Showing: Items 1 - 6
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Wolbarst AND A AND B)

Select Item Title Year Published
Environment in peril / 1991
Limiting values of radionuclide intake and air concentration and dose conversion factors for for inhalation, submersion, and ingestion : derived guides for control of occupational exposure and exposure-to-dose conversion factors for general application, based on the 1987 federal radiation protection guidance / 1988
Proceedings of the St. Michaels Workshop on residual radioactivity and recycling criteria : September 27-28, 1989, St. Michaels, Maryland / 1989
Radiation site cleanup regulations : technical support document for the development of radionuclide cleanup levels for soil. 1994
Radiation Site Cleanup Regulations: Technical Support Document for the Development of Radionuclide Cleanup Levels for Soil. Appendices A-O. Review Draft. 1994
Solutions for an environment in peril / 2001

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