Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
Showing: Items 1 - 33
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Wilson AND L AND G)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air Velocities inside Domestic Environments: An Important Parameter for Passive Monitoring. 1987
Air Velocities inside Domestic Environments: An Important Parameter in the Study of Indoor Air Quality and Climate. 1987
Amphibole Fiber Concentration Determination for a Series of Community Air Samples: Use of X-Ray Diffraction to Supplement Electron Microscope Analysis. 1978
Analysis of Technical Chlordane by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. 1977
Apparatus and Procedure for Sampling Soil Profiles for Volatile Organic Compounds. 1981
APTI course 435, atmospheric sampling : student manual / 1980
Coal Fly Ash as a Model Complex Mixture for Short-Term Bioassay. 1981
Comprehensive analytical chemistry / 1959
Detection and interpretation of trends in oxidant air quality / 1976
Development of guidelines for regulating depths of storm-water wells to minimize ground-water pollution final report to the United States Environmental Protection Agency under the Shallow Injection Well Initiative Program. 1992
Environmental consequences and alternatives of residual disposal systems : overview report, task 5323 / 1977
EPA/IERL-RTP procedures manual : level 2 sampling and analysis of oxidized inorganic compounds / 1979
Geochemical Indicators of Anaerobic Biodegradation of BTEX. 1992
Handbook of vadose zone characterization & monitoring / 1995
Impact of Heating and Air Conditioning System Operation and Leakage on Ventilation and Intercompartment Transport: Studies in Unoccupied and Occupied Tennessee Valley Homes. 1990
Interlaboratory Comparison of Formaldehyde Emissions from Particleboard Underlayment in Small-Scale Environmental Chambers. 1987
Investigations on the subsurface disposal of waste effluents at inland sites 1971
Maintenance and Stability of Introduced Genotypes in Groundwater Aquifer Material. 1987
Mass Spectrometric Analysis and Characterization of Kepone in Environmental and Human Samples. 1977
Monitoring in the vadose zone : a review of technical elements and methods / 1980
New Metabolite of Chlorpyrifos: Isolation and Identification. 1977
Package boiler flame modifications for reducing nitric oxide emissions : phase II of III / 1974
Permit guidance manual on unsaturated zone monitoring for hazardous waste land treatment units : for public comment, draft. 1985
Potential for Biodegradation of Organo-Chlorine Compounds in Groundwater. 1984
Teratogenesis, Toxicity, and Bioconcentration in Frogs Exposed to Dieldrin. 1992
The General Motors/Environmental Protection Agency sulfate dispersion experiment : selected EPA research papers / 1976
Transport and Fate of Selected Organic Pollutants in a Sandy Soil. 1981
User's guide for the urban airshed model : volume IV : user's manual for the emissions preprocessor system 2.0 / 1992
User's Guide for the Urban Airshed Model. Volume 4. User's Manual for the Emissions Preprocessor System 2.0. Part A: Core FORTRAN System. Part B: Interface and Emission Display System. 1992
Vadose zone monitoring for hazardous waste sites / 1983
Vadose zone monitoring for hazardous waste sites / 1984
Vadose zone monitoring for hazardous waste sites / 1983
Zinc sludge recycling after Kastone(R) treatment of cyanide-bearing rinse water / 1977

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