Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Mysidopsis bahia': An Estuarine Species Suitable for Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests to Determine Effects of a Pollutant. 1977
A crossover design study to evaluate the effectiveness of appliance inspection and servicing for lowering indoor nitrogen dioxide concentrations / 1988
Alternative short-term NO2 standards : second round analyses / 1979
Anaerobic Inhibition of Trace Organic Compound Removal during Rapid Infiltration of Wastewater. 1984
Analysis of Pollution from Marine Engines and Effects on the Environment. Southern Lakes. 1975
Analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in particulate matter by luminescense techniques / 1984
Analysis of real-time vehicle hydrocarbon emissions data : project summary / 1994
Answers to commonly asked questions about R-EMAP sampling designs and data analyses / 1995
Approach for Development Site-Specific Lateral and Vertical Inclusion Zones within which Structures Should be Evaluated for Petroleum Vapor Intrusion due to Releases of Motor Fuel from Underground Storage Tanks. 2013
Assessment of national and regional acid deposition precursor emission trends / 1989
Assessment of national and regional acid deposition precursor emission trends {Microfiche} 1989
Biodegradation Modeling at Aviation Fuel Spill Site. 1988
Biological aspects of hybrid poplar cultivation on floodplains in western North America : a review / 1999
Biomarkers of environmentally associated disease : technologies, concepts, and perspectives / 2002
BIOPLUME (Biodegradation in Aquifers and Developing a Mathematical Model) for Contaminant Transport Affected by Oxygen Limited Biodegradation. 1989
Bioplume II Computer Model of Two-Dimensional Contaminant Transport under the Influence of Oxygen Limited Biodegradation in Ground Water (for Microcomputers). 1987
BIOPLUME model for contaminant transport affected by oxygen limited biodegradation / 1989
Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents in the Vadose Zone. 1993
Bioremediation. 1992
Biotransformation of CIS-1,2-Dichloroethylene in Aquifer Material from Picatinny Arsenal, Morris County, New Jersey. 1991
Biotransformation of Monoaromatic and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons at an Aviation Gasoline Spill Site. 1991
Biotransformation of Selected Organic Pollutants in Ground Water. 1983
Biotransformation of Trichloroethylene in Soil. 1985
Biotransformations of Selected Alkylbenzenes and Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Methanogenic Aquifer Material: A Microcosm Study. 1986
Bioventing Approach to Remediate a Gasoline Contaminated Subsurface. 1992
Bioventing to Treat Fuel Spills from Underground Storage Tanks. 1991
Calculation and use of first-order rate constants for monitored natural attenuation studies / 2002
Calculation and use of first-order rate constants for monitored natural attenuation studies / 2002
Cancer and the environment : gene-environment interaction / 2002
Carbonate and citric acid leaching of uranium from uranium-contaminated soils : pilot-scale studies (phase II) / 2001
Case Study: Natural Attenuation of a Trichloroethene Plume at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey. 1996
Coal production from the Uinta region, Colorado and Utah; cost analysis for proposed underground mining operations, 1970
Crude oil spills research : an investigation and evaluation of analytical techniques / 1975
Current and Historical Freshwater Inflows to Tampa Bay, Florida. 1995
Design and Interpretation of Microcosm Studies for Chlorinated Compounds. 1996
Determination of Cyanide in Aluminum Industrial Waste Water by Ion Chromatographic and Spectrophotometric Techniques. 1986
Dissolved Oxygen and Methane in Water By a GC Headspace Equilibration Technique. 1989
Droplet Phase (Heterogeneous) and Gas Phase (Homogeneous) Contributions to Secondary Ambient Aerosol Formation as Functions of Relative Humidity. 1983
Emissions and residue values from waste disposal during wood preserving, 1982
Environmental Chemistry and Kinetics of Biotransformation of Chlorinated Organic Compounds in Ground Water. 1996
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. Estuaries West Indian Province 1993 Sampling. Technical Report: A Synoptic Survey of the Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Demersal Fishes of the Tampa Bay Estuarine System. 1996
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. Estuaries West Indian Province 1993 Sampling. Volume 2. Executive Summary: A Synoptic Survey of the Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Demersal Fishes of the Tampa Bay Estuarine System. 1996
Estimates of Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, and Total Suspended Solids Loadings to Tampa Bay, Florida. 1994
Evaluation of the role of dehalococcoides organisms in the natural attenuation of chlorinated ethylenes in ground water / 2006
Extraction of Degradation Rate Constants from the St. Joseph, Michigan Trichloroethene Site. 1996
Field-Derived Transformation Rates for Modeling Natural Bioattenuation of Trichloroethene and Its Degradation Products. 1996
Foundation for Modeling NOx and Smoke Formation in Diesel Flames. 1974
Foundation for modeling NO[subscript x] and smoke formation in diesel flames : final report for phase I, studies performed from 1 July 1972-30 June 1973 prepared for, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ..., Coordinating Research Council / 1974
Full Scale Field Demonstration on the Use of Hydrogen Peroxide for In situ Bioremediation of an Aviation Gasoline-Contaminated Aquifer (Chapter 16). 1994
General effects of drought on water resources of the Southwest / 1964
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