Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 759
Showing: Items 201 - 250

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Select Item Title Year Published
Disposal of uranium-mill effluent by well injection in the Grants Area, Valencia County, New Mexico. 1972
Dissolved air flotation treatment of Gulf shrimp cannery wastewater / 1979
Dissolved Oxygen and Methane in Water By a GC Headspace Equilibration Technique. 1989
Distribution, season of use, and habitat of the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes of Idaho / 1975
Diversity at work : the business case for equity / 1997
Diversity of life 1999
Draft environmental impact statement : Northglenn water management program / 1980
Draft environmental impact statement, Spearfish sewerage needs, Lawrence County near Spearfish, S.D. / 1980
Draft toxicological profile for hexachlorobenzene / 1994
Draft toxicological profile for malathion / 2001
Dredging : building and maintaining our underwater highways. 1996
Droplet Phase (Heterogeneous) and Gas Phase (Homogeneous) Contributions to Secondary Ambient Aerosol Formation as Functions of Relative Humidity. 1983
Economic values attributable to Virginia's coastal wetlands as inputs in oyster production / 1979
Effect of Nitrate Addition on Biorestoration of Fuel-Contaminated Aquifer: Field Demonstration. 1991
Effect of Phenotypic Plasticity on Epiphytic Survival and Colonization by 'Pseudomonas syringae'. 1993
Effects of Plankton on Water Supplies in the Niagara River Area. 1948
Effects on groundwater from seepage of livestock manure lagoons 1979
Elements of basic Fortran IV programming as implemented on the IBM 1130/1800 computers 1969
EMAP-estuaries Virginian Province 1990 demonstration project report / 1992
Emergency Planning & Community Right-to-Know Act handbook : a handbook covering SARA Title III law & regulations / 1992
Emissions and residue values from waste disposal during wood preserving, 1982
Empirical Method to Predict Solubility in Supercritical Fluids. 1991
Empirical studies of the relationship between emissions and visibility in the Southwest / 1979
Empowered teams : creating self-directed work groups that improve quality, productivity, and participation / 1991
Endrin: Effects on the Entire Life Cycle of a Saltwater Fish 'Cyprinodon variegatus'. 1977
Energy for survival : the alternative to extinction / 1974
Energy from solid waste utilization : proceedings of the Sixth Annual Northeastern Regional Antipollution Conference (ANERAC) : a new source of materials, energy, and jobs, solid wastes processing, College of Engineering, University of Rhode Island, July 8 and 9, 1975 1976
Engineering and economic analysis of waste to energy systems / 1978
Enumeration and Characterization of Bacteria Indigenous to a Shallow Water-Table Aquifer. 1983
Environment and birth defects 1973
Environmental assessment of geopressured waters and their projected uses / 1977
Environmental cause/effect : phenomena relating to technological development in the Canadian Arctic / 1974
Environmental chamber studies of atmospheric aerosols / 1973
Environmental Chemistry and Kinetics of Biotransformation of Chlorinated Organic Compounds in Ground Water. 1996
Environmental consequences and alternatives of residual disposal systems : overview report, task 5323 / 1977
Environmental effects of large dams report / 1978
Environmental effects of sand mining in the Lower Bay of New York Harbor / 1978
Environmental impact of land use on water quality : final report on the Black Creek Project (summary) / 1977
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. Estuaries West Indian Province 1993 Sampling. Technical Report: A Synoptic Survey of the Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Demersal Fishes of the Tampa Bay Estuarine System. 1996
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. Estuaries West Indian Province 1993 Sampling. Volume 2. Executive Summary: A Synoptic Survey of the Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Demersal Fishes of the Tampa Bay Estuarine System. 1996
Environmental outlook 1975-2000 : Federal Region V / 1980
Environmental risk identification and management / 1991
Eolian deposits of the Matanuska Valley agricultural area, Alaska / 1961
EPA acid rain research inventory, FY 79 - FY 81 : draft / 1982
EPA determination on the petition to designate the ground water resources of the Upper Santa Cruz Basin and Avra-Altar Basins, Arizona, under section 1424(e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act / 1982
EPA's Data Attribute Rating System. 1997
EPA-U.S. MVMA Correlation Study, 1975. 1975
EPA/IERL-RTP procedures manual : level 2 sampling and analysis of oxidized inorganic compounds / 1979
Epidemiological study of the incidence of cancer as related to industrial emissions in Contra Costa County, California : final report to the Environmental Protection Agency / 1982
Equivalence of Microbial Biomass Measures Based on Membrane Lipid and Cell Wall Components, Adenosine Triphosphate, and Direct Counts in Subsurface Aquifer Sediments (Journal Version). 1988
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