Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 61
Showing: Items 1 - 50
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Select Item Title Year Published
A national assessment of landscape change and impacts to aquatic resources : a 10-year research strategy for the landscape sciences program. / 2000
Air Sensor Guidebook. 2014
Biota of freshwater ecosystems : identification manual / 1972
Cellular systems for toxicity testing / 1983
Chemical and Biological Characterization of Products of Incomplete Combustion from the Simulated Field Burning of Agricultural Plastic. 1989
Comparison of some new and old indices and measurements of trophic state / 1979
Crop and Forest Losses Due to Current and Projected Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants in the Ohio River Basin. 1982
Distribution and importance of phytoplankton in the Atchafalaya Basin / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Alabama lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Arizona lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in California lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Delaware lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Florida lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Iowa lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Kansas lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Kentucky lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Louisiana lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Maryland lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Missouri lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Montana lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Nevada lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in New Jersey lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in New Mexico lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Ohio lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Oklahoma lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Oregon lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in South Carolina lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Tennessee lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Texas lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Utah lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Virginia lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in West Virginia lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Wyoming lakes / 1979
Effect of Bioremediation on the Mutagenicity of Oil Spilled in Prince William Sound, Alaska. 1991
Environmental aspects of resources policy in a regional setting : the case of air quality policy in the southwestern United States 1980
Estimation of infiltration rate in the vadose zone. 1998
Fourier Encoded Data Searching of Infrared Spectra (FEDS/IRS). 1981
Genera Acanthosphaera through Cystodinium collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Genera Dactylococcopsis through Gyrosigma collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Genera Hantzschia through Pteromonas collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Genera Quadrigula through Zygnema collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Hydrologic basis for suspended sediment criteria / 1985
Influence of Solid Surface, Adhesive Ability, and Inoculum Size on Bacterial Colonization in Microcosm Studies. 1992
Lake Ontario surveillance program : spatial and temporal trends of selected parameters, with emphasis on 1992-1993 results / 1998
Measurement of Mutagenic Emissions from the Incineration of the Pesticide Dinoseb during Application of Combustion Modifications. 1991
Modifications of models predicting trophic state of lakes : adjustment of models to account for the biological manifestations of nutrients / 1981
Mutagenicity and Chemical Analysis of Emissions for the Open Burning of Scrap Rubber Tires. 1994
Mutagenicity and Chemical Analysis of Emissions from the Open Burning of Scrap Rubber Tires. 1994
National survey of household pesticide usage pilot study final technical report 1980
Oil Spill Clean Up. 1991
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