Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
Showing: Items 1 - 33
Your Search: (AUTHOR=White AND David AND S)

Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to freshwater mollusks of the Laurentian Great Lakes, with special emphasis on the genus Pisidium / 1980
A simple question : the story of STRAW / 2010
Applications of GIS databases and water quality modeling for agricultural nonpoint source pollution control / 1992
Assessment of geothermal resources of the United States, 1975 / 1975
Comparative studies of the zoobenthos of a natural and man-made rocky habitat on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan 1981
Conserving the Ogallala what next? / 1985
Ecology of the zoobenthos of southeastern Lake Michigan near the D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant 1984
Ecology of the zoobenthos of southeastern Lake Michigan near the D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant Introduction / 1986
Ecology of the zoobenthos of southeastern Lake Michigan near the D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant Part 4, 1985
Effect of Silicate Grain Shape, Structure, and Location on the Biomass and Community Structure of Colonizing Marine Microbiota. 1981
Effects of Oil and Gas Well-Drilling Fluids on the Biomass and Community Structure of Microbiota that Colonize Sands in Running Seawater. 1982
Evaluation of the chemical resistance of geotextiles, geonet, and pipe / 1992
Evaluation of the chemical resistance of geotextiles, geonets, and pipe : project summary / 1992
Evaluation of the chemical resistance of geotextiles, geonets, and pipe : project summary / 1992
Field validation of laboratory-derived multispecies aquatic test systems 1985
Field validation of laboratory-derived multispecies aquatic test systems : project summary / 1985
Greenhouse Heating Options: Can Waste Heat Compete. 1982
Groundwater exploitation in the High Plains 1992
Indices identifying subsurface microbial communities that are adapted to organic pollution/ 1985
Low NOx emission combustor for automobile gas turbine engines / 1973
Medical virology 1986
Medical virology 1976
Pleistocene stratigraphy of northwestern Pennsylvania / 1969
Polymeric Beta-Hydroxyalkanoates from Environmental Samples and 'Bacillus megaterium'. 1983
Quantitative Determination of the Nutritional Status of Detrital Microbiota and the Grazing Fauna by Triglyceride Glycerol Analysis. 1982
Restoring and creating wetlands : a handbook for the Rocky Mountain West / 1993
Review and analysis of Grand County, Colorado : land use laws related to water quality protection / 1977
Sensitive Assay, Based on Hydroxy Fatty Acids from Lipopolysaccharide Lipid A, for Gram-Negative Bacteria in Sediments. 1982
Spatial Distribution of Biochemical Parameters Indicating Biomass and Community Composition of Microbial Assemblies in Estuarine Mud Flat Sediments. 1982
Summary of mercury emissions and applicable control technologies for municipal waste combustors 1991
The lavender scare / 2019
The physiology and biochemistry of prokaryotes / 1995
The physiology and biochemistry of prokaryotes / 2000

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