Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Werner AND A AND S)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A basic research model of natural gas combustion in turbulent flow / 1990
Acidification of aquatic and terrestrial systems : chemical weathering / 1984
Aerosols in science, medicine and technology the biomedical influence of the aerosol ; 7 conference, 3-5 October, 1979, Dusseldorf, Germany F.R. / 1980
Air pollution control 1971
Analysis of Stack Gas Pollutants by Gas Chromatography. 1962
Antibiotics 1946
Application of microwave energy to the extraction of organic compounds from solid samples / 1994
Application of open-tubular columns to SW-846 GC methods / 1990
Aquatic chemical kinetics : reaction rates of processes in natural waters / 1990
Aquatic chemistry : an introduction emphasizing chemical equilibria in natural waters / 1981
Aquatic chemistry : chemical equilibria and rates in natural waters / 1996
Aquatic chemistry; an introduction emphasizing chemical equilibria in natural waters 1970
Aquatic humic substances as sources and sinks of photochemically produced transient reactants / 1989
Aquatic surface chemistry : chemical processes at the particle-water interface / 1987
Arctic Climate Change The ACSYS Decade and Beyond / [electronic resource] : 2012
Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment 1975-1976. Physical oceanography data report. Profiling current meter data / 1980
Assessment of airborne particles; fundamentals, applications, and implications to inhalation toxicity. 1972
Assessment of experimental techniques applicable to rock fracture : report on a workshop held in Park City, Utah, May 29-30, 1986 1986
Biochemical aspects of microbial pathogenecity 1960
Bioinformatics and genome analysis / 2002
Biological membranes recent progress / 1966
Biology of diatoms 1977
Biosilica in Evolution, Morphogenesis, and Nanobiotechnology Case Study Lake Baikal / [electronic resource] : 2009
CAPE-OPEN Open interface specifications : thermodynamic and physical properties version 1.1 / 2003
Characterization of biological reference material : in vivo incorporated toxic metals in water hyacinth tissues / 1983
Chemical Aspects of Coagulation. 1962
Chemical composition of sedimentary rocks in Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. 1967
Chemical Flocculation of Microorganisms in Biological Waste Treatment. 1965
Chemical processes in lakes / 1985
Chemistry of the solid-water interface : processes at the mineral-water and particle-water interface in natural systems / 1992
Classics in coordination chemistry / 1968
Color atlas and textbook of human anatomy 1986
Compendium of costs of remedial technologies at hazardous waste sites / 1987
Compendium of costs of remedial technologies at hazardous waste sites / 1988
Contemporary international law a concise introduction / 1979
Description and analysis of inspection / maintenance programs for oil-fired heating systems in Switzerland and West Germany / 1982
Description and analysis of inspection/maintenance programs for oil fired central heating systems in Switzerland and West Germany 1981
Design and performance of an aerosol mass distribution monitor / 1980
Desulfurization of coal and petroleum a bibliography with abstracts / 1975
Development and evaluation of an immunoaffinity personal exposure monitor for pentachlorophenol / 1992
Development and Reproduction in Humans and Animal Model Species [electronic resource] / 2015
Development of a soxtec extraction procedure for extracting organic compounds from soils and sediments. / 1991
Dispersion from tall stacks / 1975
Documentation of EMSL-LV contribution to Dallas lead study {microform} / 1984
Ecology and movements of bluegill sunfish fry in a small northern Indiana lake. 1966
Economic impact of environmental control on small business 1975
Effect-Directed Analysis of Complex Environmental Contamination [electronic resource] / 2011
Emergency response. 1995
Emissions assessment of conventional stationary combustion systems. 1979
Encyclopedic reference of immunotoxicology 2005
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