Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of expanded-bed and packed-bed adsorption systems / 1968
Abiotic Transformation Pathways of Organic Chemicals in Aquatic Ecosystems. 1994
Absorption from Aqueous Solution. 1974
Activated Silica in Wastewater Coagulation. 1974
Adsorption from Aqueous Solution. 1966
Adsorption of Biochemically Resistant Materials from Solution. 1966
Adsorption of biochemically resistant materials from solution. 1 / 1964
Adsorption of biochemically resistant materials from solution. 2. / 1966
Analysis of Emissions from Outboard Two Cycle Marine Engines. 1975
Analysis of industrial wastewaters 1971
Analysis of the Relationships among O3 Uptake, Conductance, and Photosynthesis in Needles of 'Pinus ponderosa'. 1993
Assessment of clinical procedures to evaluate liver intoxication in fish / 1979
Biological field and laboratory methods for measuring the quality of surface waters and effluents / 1973
Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxic Response in Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri, as Influenced by Two Commercial Fish Diets. 1980
Cardiopulmonary Effects in Awake Rats Four and Six Months after Exposure to Methyl Isocyanate. 1987
Chemical Interactions of Dissolved Silica with Iron (II) and (III). 1968
Chemical-specific parameters for toxicity characteristic contaminants / 1991
Comparative Oxygen Affinity of Fish and Mammalian Myoglobins. 1989
Comparison of complex resistivity with electromagnetic induction, convention resistivity, and organic vapor measurements for detection of subsurface contamination / 1983
Comparison of Expanded-Bed and Packed-Bed Adsorption Systems. 1968
Comparison of Expanded-Bed and Packed-Bed Adsorption Systems. 1968
Developing multipollutant exposure indicators of traffic pollution : the Dorm Room Inhalation to Vehicle Emissions (DRIVE) study / 2018
Development of protocols for chronic toxicity testing of Pacific marine species / 1990
Diurnal Water Relations of Walnut Trees: Implications for Remote Sensing. 1991
Ecological assessments of effluent impacts on communities of indigenous aquatic organisms : a symposium / 1981
Ecophysiology of High Salinity Tolerant Plants [electronic resource] / 2006
Effect of Carbon Tetrachloride Treatment on Urine Flow Rate of the Rainbow Trout, 'Salmo gairdneri'. 1980
Effect of Simulated Acid Rain on Seedling Emergence and Growth of Eleven Woody Species. 1978
Effectiveness of activated carbon for removal of toxic and/or carcinogenic compounds from water supplies 1981
Effectiveness of activated carbon for removal of toxic and/or carcinogenic compounds from water supplies / 1981
Effects of Sulfuric Acid Rain on Decomposition Rate and Chemical Element Content of Hardwood Leaf Litter. 1983
Effects of Sulfuric Acid Rain on Major Cation and Sulfate Concentrations of Water Percolating Through Two Model Hardwood Forests. 1982
Effects of sulfuric acid rain on two model hardwood forests : throughfall, litter leachate, and soil solution / 1980
Environmental systems and processes : principles, modeling, and design / 2001
EPA Faced Multiple Constraints to Targeting Recovery Act Funds. Evaluation Report. 2011
Estimation of Water Solubility and Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient of Hydrophobic Dyes. Part 1. Relationship between Solubility and Partition Coefficient. 1991
Evaluation of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Biomass Methodology. Part 2. Field Assessment and Data Evaluation. 1985
Evaluation of the MIDDAS system for designing GAC adsorbers : project summary / 1991
Evaluation of the Middas System for Development of Design Data for GAC Adsorbers. 1991
Factors Controlling the Emissions of Monoterpenes and Other Volatile Organic Compounds. 1990
Field Experience with Ambient-Level Flame-Photometric Sulphur Detectors. 1980
Gas Exchange in 'Quercus rubra' (Northern Red Oak) during a Drought: Analysis of Relations among Photosynthesis Transpiration, and Leaf Conductance. 1990
Gas lasers 1982
Granular carbon treatment of raw sewage, 1970
Granular Carbon Treatment of Raw Sewage. 1970
Ground Water Issue Paper: Synthesis Report on State of Understanding of Chlorinated Solvent Transformation. 2013
Histamine and Methacholine Aerosol Bronchial Challenge in Awake Guinea Pigs. 1990
Improving granular carbon treatment / 1971
Kinetic Studies of the Reduction of Aromatic Azo Compounds in Anaerobic Sediment/Water Systems. 1987
Lack of Myoglobin Function in the Isolated Perfused Buffalo Sculpin('Enophrys bison') Heart. 1989
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