Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1985 NAPAP emissions inventory : development of temporal allocation factors : final report / 1990
Accounting for the environment 1993
Application of an Electrostatic Precipitator for Instrumental Sampling of Sulfuric Acid. 1979
Approach to Technical Assistance for Industrial and Hazardous Waste Generators. 1983
Assessment of the potential for transport of dioxins and codisposed materials to groundwater 1989
Assessment of the potential for transport of dioxins and codisposed materials to groundwater / 1989
Availability of ground water at the border stations at Laurier and Ferry, Washington. 1960
Behavior of Heavy Metals During Landfill Disposal of Hazardous Wastes. 1982
Behavior of Organic Pollutants during Rapid-Infiltration of Wastewater into Soil: 2. Mathematical Description of Transport and Transformation. 1986
Chemistry for toxicity testing 1984
Contaminants and ecological subsidies : the land-water interface / 2020
Conversion of municipal and industrial refuse into useful materials by pyrolysis / 1970
Cost-Effective Waste Management for Metal Finishing Facilities: Selected Case Studies. 1984
Dermal absorption and toxicity assessment 1998
Desorption of 2,3,7,8,-TCDD from Soils into Water/Methanol and Methanol Liquid Phases. 1986
Destructive distillation of scrap tires / 1969
Development of a fish index of biotic integrity to assess the condition of West Virginia streams : technical support document / 2006
Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory. 1986
Development of the 1980 NAPAP emissions inventory : project summary / 1988
Effect of Underground Coal Gasification on Groundwater. 1984
EPA's Innovative/Alternative Wastewater Facilities Technology File Database: User's Manual. 1988
Evaluation of the air pollution aspects of the proposed steam-electric plant at Oak Park, Minnesota 1965
Field Operations Manual for Assessing the Hydrologic Permanence and Ecological Condition of Headwater Streams. 2006
Fisheries ecology and management / 2004
Flexible Regional Emissions Data System (FREDS), documentation for the 1985 NAPAP emissions inventory / 1989
Flexible Regional Emissions Data System (FREDS), documentation for the 1985 NAPAP emissions inventory : project summary / 1989
Formation of a Detached Plume from a Cement Plant. 1983
Geologic reconnaissance and test-well drilling, Cordova, Alaska / 1963
Geology and ground water resources of the Columbia Basin project area, Washington. 1960
Geostatistics for waste management : a user's manual for the GEOPACK (version 1.0) geostatistical software system / 1990
Ground-water-quality data for east and west Baton Rouge, east and west Feliciana, and Pointe Coupee Parishes, Louisiana, water years 1944-97 / 1998
Handbook of laboratory health and safety 1995
Health and safety for toxicity testing 1984
Impact of Freshwater Flow Variations in the Manatee River. 1994
Impact of water level changes on woody riparian and wetland communities 1977
Impact of water level changes on woody riparian and wetland communities Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountain regions / 1980
Industrial effluent treatment 1981
Industrial effluent treatment 1981
Laboratory health and safety handbook a guide for the preparation of a chemical hygiene plan / 1990
Land subsidence in central Kansas related to salt dissolution 1978
Louisiana ground-water map no. 5 potentiometric surface, 1990, and water-level changes, 1974-90, of the Evangeline equivalent/southeast Louisiana aquifer system / 1992
Maryland timber industry : an assessment of timber product output and use, 2008 / 2012
Mathematical model of heavy metal transfer and transport in Lake Erie / 1979
Measuring up : governing's guide to performance measurement for geniuses (and other public managers) / 1998
NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Overview of Allocation Factors, 1985. 1989
National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) Emissions Inventory, 1985: Development of Species Allocation Factors. 1990
National Toxicology Program's chemical solubility compendium 1992
Optimization of nitrogen removal by rapid infiltration 1985
Optimization of nitrogen removal by rapid infiltration / 1985
Optimization of nitrogen removal by rapid infiltration / 1985
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