Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Acute and Subchronic Toxicity of Pentachlorobenzene. 1980
Air quality for urban and industrial planning / 1974
Assessing the risk from exposure to radon in dwellings / 1983
Costs of remedial actions at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites : impacts of worker health and safety considerations / 1983
Costs of remedial actions at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites : worker health and safety considerations / 1986
Costs of Remedial Actions at Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites. 1982
Costs of Remedial Actions at Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites: Worker Health and Safety Considerations. 1986
Developing a tribal implementation plan / 2002
Driving forces : motor vehicle trends and their implications for global warming, energy strategies, and transportation planning / 1990
Effect of particulates on ozone disinfection of bacteria and viruses in water / 1979
Effects of Trimethyltin on Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Function in the Central Nervous System. 1984
Effects on Carbon Monoxide Levels in Mobile Homes Using Unvented Kerosene Heaters for Residential Heating. 1992
Evaluating the Toxicity of Urban Patterns of Oxidant Gases. 1. An Automated Chronic Gaseous Animal Inhalation Exposure Facility. 1987
Evaluation and Mitigation of Visible Acidic Aerosol Plumes from Coal Fired Power Boilers. 2006
Evaluation of CO and THC analyzers for hazardous waste incinerator emissions measurement / 1990
Fuel-efficient sewage sludge incineration : project summary / 1990
Fuel-efficient sewage sludge incineration {micoform} / 1990
Guidelines for quality assurance and quality control of fish taxonomic data collected as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1998
Health risk analysis proceedings of the Third Life Sciences Symposium, health risk analysis, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, October 27-30, 1980 / 1981
IACP: Overview of the Boise, Idaho, and the Roanoke, Virginia, Field Studies. 1991
Identification of (and responses to) potential effects of SCR and wet scrubbers on submicron particulate emissions and plume characteristics [electronic resource] / 2004
In vivo and In vitro Intestinal Survival and Competition of Environmental 'Pseudomonas' Species. 1988
Indoor Air Pollutants from Unvented Kerosene Heater Emissions in Mobile Homes: Studies on Particles, Semivolatile Organics, Carbon Monoxide, and Mutagenicity. 1991
Indoor air quality 1984
Inhalation Studies of Mt. St. Helens Volcanic Ash in Animals. 1. Introduction and Exposure System. 1985
Kaneohe Bay Sewage Diversion Experiment: Perspectives on Ecosystem Responses to Nutritional Perturbation. 1981
Leachate from Co-Disposal of Municipal and Hazardous Waste in Landfill Simulators. 1982
Methodology for Evaluating Potential Human Health Effects of Microorganisms That Degrade Hazardous Wastes. 1987
Minutocellus polymorphus': A New Marine Diatom for Use in Algal Toxicity Tests. 1988
Monitoring IACP Samples and Construction of a Centralized Database. 1991
Northeast Regional Environmental Impact study reference document for the health effects of air pollution / 1981
NOx control technologies for the cement industry: final report / 2000
Pilot scale evaluation of sludge landfilling : four years of operation / 1988
Pilot Scale Evaluation of Sludge Landfilling: Four Years of Operation. 1988
Precipitation regime changes associated with climatic changes 1991
Remedial actions at hazardous waste sites : survey and case studies / 1981
Remedial Actions at Hazardous Waste Sites: Survey and Case Studies. 1981
Report to the United States Environmental Protection Agency on a Study of Pre-1960 Oil Well Abandonment and Completion Techniques in the Kevin-Sunburst and Cut Bank Oil Fields, Montana 1988
Responses of Marine Unicellular Algae to Brominated Organic Compounds in Six Growth Media. 1987
Risk assessment for PCB releases from natural gas transmission and distribution : topical report / 1992
Science and Conservation in the Galapagos Islands Frameworks & Perspectives / [electronic resource] : 2013
Severe and hazardous weather : an introduction to high impact meteorology / 2005
Small Systems Meet Superfund Challenge with Point-of-Entry Treatment Units. 1991
Somatosensory Dysfunction Following Acute Trimethyltin Exposure. 1982
Subsurface disposal of municipal wastewater treatment sludge : environmental assessment / 1978
Surface impoundment assessment (SIA) for Indiana / 1980
Survey of on-going and completed remedial action projects / 1982
Survey of On-Going and Completed Remedial Action Projects. 1981
Synthetic Substrata for Propagation and Testing of Soil and Sediment Organisms. 1992
The theory of splines and their applications / 1967
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