Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A climatological analysis of Pasquill stability categories based on 'STAR' summaries / 1976
A computerized bibliographic literature information system for total human exposure monitoring research : project summary / 1988
Aerial detection of spill sources / 1973
Aerial spill detection key, petroleum refineries 1972
An exposure and risk assessment for lead / 1982
Analysis of urban land treatment measures for flood peak reduction 1974
Association of Personal and Workplace Characteristics with Health, Comfort and Odor: A Survey of 3948 Office Workers in Three Buildings. 1993
Association of Personal and Workplace Characteristics with Reported Health Symptoms of 6771 Government Employees in Washington, DC. 1992
Association of personal workplace characteristics with health, comfort and odor : a survey of 3948 office workers in three buildings / 1993
Beck and Braithwaite's Invertebrate zoology : a laboratory manual. 1989
Comparison of End-Tidal Breath CO (Carbon Monoxide) Estimates of COHb with Estimates Based on Exposure Profiles of Individuals in the Denver, Colorado and Washington, DC Area. 1984
Continuous Measurements of Particles, PAH, and CO in an Occupied Townhouse in Reston, VA. 1997
Control of Trihalomethane Precursors in Drinking Water: Granular Activated Carbon with and without Preozonation. 1984
Design of water quality surveillance systems; phase I: systems analysis framework, 1970
Design, development, and field demonstration of a remote deployable water quality monitoring system / 1981
Earth Day Birthday 2004
Effect of industrial and domestic effluents on the water quality of the Coeur d'Alene River basin, 1969, 1970, 1971
Effects of Etiologically Defined Respiratory Infections on Lung Function and Its Growth in an Area of Low Air Pollution - Spirometry in Young Children When Illness-Free. 1981
Environmental Protection Agency indoor air quality and work environmental study: health symptoms and comfort concerns. {microfiche} 1990
EPA's indoor air quality and work environment study : relationships of employee's self-reported healthy symptoms with direct indoor air quality measurements / 1991
Estimating contributions of outdoor fine particles to indoor concentrations and personal exposures : effects of household characteristics and personal activities / 2006
Exposure of high risk subpopulations to particles : final report (APM-21)/ 2003
Federal civil procedure before trial / 1989
Field and laboratory evaluation of petroleum land treatment system closure 1985
Fishes of Idaho 1978
Handbook : operation and maintenance of hospital medical waste incinerators. 1990
Hayes' principles and methods of toxicology / 2014
Hayes' principles and methods of toxicology / 2014
Hospital incinerator operator training course, Volume 1, Student handbook / 1989
Hospital incinerator operator training course, Volume 2, Presentation slides / 1989
Human Exposure Assessment: Background Concepts, Purpose, and Overview of the Washington, DC. - Denver, Colorado Field Studies. 1984
Indoor air quality in public buildings / 1988
Indoor air quality in public buildings : volume I : project summary / 1988
Indoor, Outdoor, and Personal Air Exposures to Particles, Elements, and Nicotine for 178 Residents of Riverside, California. 1993
Managing Biosecurity Across Borders [electronic resource] / 2011
Method of Chemical Analysis for Oil Shale Wastes. 1984
Operation and maintenance of hospital medical waste incinerators / 1989
Our natural resources 1982
Particle TEAM (PTEAM) study : analysis of the data : final report 1996
Particle total exposure assessment methodology (PTEAM) : Riverside, California pilot study - volume I / 1993
Personal Exposures, Indoor and Outdoor Air Concentrations, and Exhaled Breath Concentrations of Selected Volatile Organic Compounds Measured for 600 Residents of New Jersey, North Dakota, North Carolina and California. 1986
Pilot scale evaluation of biological activated carbon for the removal of THM precursors / 1982
PMHOME: A Database of Continuous Particle Measurements in an Occupies House for Four Years. 2002
Preliminary Particulate Matter Mass Concentrations Associated with Longitudinal Panel Studies: Assessing Human Exposures of High Risk Subpopulations to Particulate Matter. 2001
Real-Time Monitoring of Particles, PAH, and CO in an Occupied Townhouse. 1998
Recent Advances in Measuring Exhaled Breath and Estimating Exposure and Body Burden for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCS). 1993
Scientific management of hazardous wastes 1983
Sensitivity Analysis of the Enhanced Simulation of Human Air Pollution Exposure (SHAPE) Model. 1985
Studies of effects of particle size on the toxicity of insecticide aerosols : final report 1976
Summary of factors affecting compliance by ferrous foundries, final report / volume 1 - Text : 1981
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