Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A climatological analysis of Pasquill stability categories based on 'STAR' summaries / 1976
A comparison of MOBILE1 vs. MOBILE2 / 1981
A computerized bibliographic literature information system for total human exposure monitoring research : project summary / 1988
A graphical analysis of the respiratory gas exchange; the Ob2-COb2 diagram, 1955
A legacy of 21st century leadership : a guide for creating a climate of leadership throughout your organization / 2007
A sensitivity analysis of the enhanced simulation of human air pollution exposure (SHAPE) model / 1987
A study of migratory lake run trout in the Brule River, Wisconsin : Part II, Rainbow trout / 1970
A study of migratory lake-run trout in the Brule River, Wisconsin : Part I, brown trout / 1967
Advances in Particle Sampling and Measurement. 1980
Aerial detection of spill sources / 1973
Aerial spill detection key, petroleum refineries 1972
Air pollution by jet aircraft at Seattle-Tacoma airport. 1970
Air quality analysis for the revised gaseous emission regulations for 1984 and later model year light duty trucks and heavy duty engines / 1981
Alarm-level monitor for SO2 emissions from stationary sources / 1977
An electrostatic precipitator backup for sampling systems / 1978
An exposure and risk assessment for lead / 1982
An inventory of medium-sized lakes in California / 1970
Analysis of LDV and LDT non-methane HC standards / 1981
Analysis of LDV and LDT non-methane HC standards / 1981
Analysis of Oil Shale Wastes: A Review. 1981
Analysis of urban land treatment measures for flood peak reduction 1974
Analysis, synthesis, and design of chemical processes / 2016
Analytic geometry. 1937
Anderson filter substrate weight loss / 1975
Annotated bibliography of the fish and wildlife resources of Galveston Bay, Texas 1978
Arid lands 2004
Arizona's changing rivers : how people have affected the rivers / 1997
Association of Personal and Workplace Characteristics with Health, Comfort and Odor: A Survey of 3948 Office Workers in Three Buildings. 1993
Association of Personal and Workplace Characteristics with Reported Health Symptoms of 6771 Government Employees in Washington, DC. 1992
Association of personal workplace characteristics with health, comfort and odor : a survey of 3948 office workers in three buildings / 1993
Atmospheric science : an introductory survey / 2006
Automotive literature index, 1977-1981 : a five-year guide to fifteen American automotive journals / 1983
Background document on proposed liner and leak detection rule / prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency by GeoServices Inc. Consulting Engineers. 1987
Beck and Braithwaite's Invertebrate zoology : a laboratory manual. 1989
Bedrock geology of the Evitts Creek and Pattersons Creek quadrangles, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, 1964
Biochemical interaction between plants and insects : {proceedings of the fifteenth annual meeting of the Phytochemical Society of North America held on the campus of the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, August 1975} 1976
Blue mind : the surprising science that shows how being near, in, on, or under water can make you happier, healthier, more connected and better at what you do / 2015
Can buildings make you sick? / 1995
Characterization and control of radionuclide emissions from elemental phosphorus production / 1989
Characterization of stream reaeration capacity / 1972
Chemical pretreatment of nuclear waste for disposal 1994
Chemical quality of water, Brookhaven National Laboratory and vicinity, Suffolk County, New York 1964
Chemiluminescent monitor for vinyl chloride / 1978
Chlorobenzene Bioreactor Demonstration. 1997
Common aquatic plants : identification, control / 1964
Compact, in-stack, three size cut particle classifier / 1977
Comparison of End-Tidal Breath CO (Carbon Monoxide) Estimates of COHb with Estimates Based on Exposure Profiles of Individuals in the Denver, Colorado and Washington, DC Area. 1984
Comparison of evapotranspiration estimates using DOE Hanford climatological data 1978
Congressional white paper on a national policy for the environment : Submitted to the United States Congress under the auspices of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate and the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninetieth Congress, second session / 1968
Consciousness A Mathematical Treatment of the Global Neuronal Workspace Model / [electronic resource] : 2005
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