Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A resource guide for oceanography and coastal processes : developed for elementary, middle, and high school teachers / 1998
Acute and Chronic Effects of Heavy Metals and Cyanide on 'Mysidopsis bahia' (Crustacea:Mysidacea). 1985
An African savanna : synthesis of the Nylsvley study / 1993
Application of a Hazard-Assessment Research Strategy for Waste Disposal at 106-Mile Ocean Disposal Site (Chapter 14). 1989
Arrecifes de coral : una colleccion de actividades en Espanol para estudiantes de escuela intermedia / 1997
Assessment of Responses to Climate Variation in the Marine Environment of Coastal Regions of the United States. 1991
Biological and Abiotic Degradation of Xenobiotic Compounds in Vitro Estaurine Water and Sediment/Water Systems. 1988
Biological risk assessment framework for examining the impacts of oceanic disposal. {microfiche}. 1991
Biotic and Abiotic Degradation Rates of Methyl Parathion in Freshwater and Estuarine Water and Sediment Samples. 1987
CAFOs & more : agricultural policy meets environmental law : emerging legal issues in the regulation and operation of CAFOs / 2005
Chronic Effects of Cadmium on Two Species of Mysid Shrimp: 'Mysidopsis bahia' and 'Mysidopsis bigelowi'. 1982
Continuous flow analysis : theory and practice / 1976
Convective-Dispersive Transport Model for Wastes Disposed of at the 106-Mile Ocean Disposal Site. (Chapter 5). 1990
Coral reefs : an English compilation of activities for middle school students / 1997
Demonstration of reduced hydrocarbon emissions from gasoline loading terminals / 1975
Dibutylphthalate Degradation in Estuarine and Freshwater Sites. 1984
Ecotoxicology : effects of pollutants on the natural environment / 2014
Ecotoxicology : effects of pollutants on the natural environment / 2014
Evaluation of Irrigation Scheduling for Salinity Control in Grand Valley. 1974
Exploratory Analysis of Microcosm and Ecosystem Behavior Using Multivariate Techniques. 1980
Ground water in the Midvale and Council areas, upper Weiser River basin, Idaho 1964
Ground water in the Sandpoint Region, Bonner County, Idaho 1964
Ground water in the upper Star Valley, Wyoming 1965
Ground-water aspects of the lower Henrys Fork region, eastern Idaho / 1970
Handbook of air toxics : sampling, analysis, and properties / 1995
Hazard Assessment Research Strategy for Ocean Disposal. 1989
Human factors evaluation of control room design and operator performance at Three Mile Island-2 : final report / 1980
Hydrologic data of the Charles River Basin, Massachusetts 1977
Immunochemical methods in cell and molecular biology 1987
Lagrangian-Eulerian Approach to Modeling Contaminants. 1986
Livermore Regional Air Quality (LIRAQ) Model; Transfer to EPA. 1980
Mercury : an assessment of commodity markets and their implications for environmental policy / 2002
Neuroacanthocytosis Syndromes II [electronic resource] / 2008
Organic pollutants : an ecotoxicological perspective / 2019
Persistent pollutants in marine ecosystems 1992
Pollution control in the Raritan Bay area / 1968
Principles of ecotoxicology / 2006
Principles of ecotoxicology / 1996
Principles of ecotoxicology / 2001
Principles of ecotoxicology / 2012
Proceedings of the workshop : biodegradation kinetics : Navarre Beach, Florida, 18-20 October 1983 / 1985
Process demonstration and cost analysis of a mass production forging technique for automotive turbine wheels : phase I / 1974
Process Demonstration and Cost Analysis of a Mass Production Forging Technique for Automotive Turbine Wheels. Phase I. 1974
Reducing In-Home Exposure to Air Pollution. 2016
Resilience practice : building capacity to absorb disturbance and maintain function / 2012
Resilience thinking : sustaining ecosystems and people in a changing world / 2006
Sarasota Bay: The Voyage to Paradise Reclaimed, 1995. The Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan for Sarasota Bay. 1995
Shake-Flask Test for Estimation of Biodegradability of Toxic Organic Substances in the Aquatic Environment. 1987
Soil survey of Escambia County, Florida; 1960
Soil survey, Escambia County, Florida / survey by James H. Walker and Victor W. Carlisle. 1960
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