Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
Showing: Items 1 - 38
Your Search: (AUTHOR=WOOD AND P)

Select Item Title Year Published
Background document to the integrated risk assessment for dioxins and furans from chlorine bleaching in pulp and paper mills / 1990
Comparison of an Alternative Land Surface Parameterization with the GFDL High Resolution Climate Model. 1991
Cosolvent Effects on Sorption and Mobility of Organic Contaminants in Soils. 1990
Ecologically Acceptable Strategy for the Use of Genetically Engineered Baculovirus Pesticides. 1990
Emission reduction study stationary sources of air pollution (1970-1979) : final report / 1981
Enhanced Remediation Demonstrations at Hill AFB: Introduction. Chapter 20. 1998
Evaluation of air pollution control devices for hazardous waste combustion 1983
Evaluation of survey positioning methods for nearshore marine and estuarine water / 1987
Exposure assessment for asbestos-contaminated vermiculite / 1985
Exposure factors handbook : volume 1 of 3. General factors. 1996
Exposure factors handbook : volume 1, general factors. 1997
Exposure factors handbook : volume 2 of 3. Food ingestion factors. 1996
Exposure factors handbook : volume 2, food ingestion factors. 1997
Exposure factors handbook : volume 3 of 3. Activity factors. 1996
Exposure factors handbook. 1996
Exposure factors handbook. 1997
Exposure factors handbook. 1995
Field-scale application of in-situ cosolvent flushing : evaluation approach / 1996
Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment at the EPA. Annual Review. 1992
From conquest to conservation : our public lands legacy / 2003
Geology and ground-water features of the Edison-Maricopa area, Kern County, California / 1964
Identification and evaluation of waterborne routes of exposure from other than food and drinking water / 1979
Influence of Organic Cosolvents on the Sorption Kinetics of Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals. 1991
Land-Surface Hydrology Parameterization with Subgrid Variability for General Circulation Models. 1992
Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Suspended Solids Concentrations in Tributaries to the Great Bay Estuary Watershed in 2010. Final Report. 2011
Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Suspended Solids Concentrations in Tributaries to the Great Bay Estuary Watershed in 2011. 2012
Peer review workshop report on ecological risk assessment issue papers. 1994
Pilot Plant Project for Removing Organic Substances from Drinking Water Project Summary 1984
Pilot Plant Project for Removing Organic Substances from Drinking Water. 1984
Preliminary assessment of hazardous waste pretreatment as an air pollution control technique {Microfiche} 1986
Remediation of Contaminated Soils by Solvent Flushing. 1994
Shellfish Tissue Monitoring in Piscataqua Region Estuaries 2010 and 2011. 2012
Sociodemographic data used for identifying potentially highly exposed populations. 1999
Solubility, sorption and transport of hydrophobic organic chemicals in complex mixtures / 1991
Sorption Nonequilibrium during Solute Transport (Journal Version). 1988
Sources of emergency water supplies in San Mateo County, California / 1975
Summary report on issues in ecological risk assessment / 1991
Watershed restoration : principles and practices / 1997

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