Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 37
Showing: Items 1 - 37

Select Item Title Year Published
A computer program for sample size computations for banding studies / 1989
Alternative short-term NO2 standards : second round analyses / 1979
An introduction to physical science / 2000
Analysis of real-time vehicle hydrocarbon emissions data : project summary / 1994
Angels in America / 2004
Assessment of national and regional acid deposition precursor emission trends / 1989
Assessment of national and regional acid deposition precursor emission trends {Microfiche} 1989
Assessment of organic emission factors / 1978
Economic values attributable to Virginia's coastal wetlands as inputs in oyster production / 1979
Environment and birth defects 1973
Environmental impact of land use on water quality : final report on the Black Creek Project (summary) / 1977
Fluorometric procedures for dye tracing / 1986
Ground water a non-technical guide / 1982
Ground water in the flood-plain alluvium of the Brazos River, Whitney Dam to vicinity of Richmond, Texas 1967
Habitat development field investigations, Salt Pond No. 3, marsh development site, South San Francisco Bay, California : summary report / 1978
Handbook of teratology 1977
Kepone (Trademark) Bioconcentration, Accumulation, Loss, and Transfer through Estuarine Food Chains. 1977
Kepone: Toxicity and Bioaccumulation in Blue Crabs. 1979
Limnological studies of the island area of western Lake Erie 1973
LM3 : a high-resolution Lake Michigan mass balance water quality model / 2009
Mercury : a materials survey / 1959
Methodology to conduct air quality assessments of national mobile source emission control strategies : final report / 1980
Natural bioattenuation of trichloroethene at the Saint Joseph, Michigan Superfund Site. 1995
Proceedings of the National Water Conference : water quality and the Clean Water Act, January 26 and 27, 1982 / 1982
Proceedings of two highway vehicle emission inventory workshops / 1991
Reading for rhetoric: applications to writing 1975
Reductive Degradation of Dieldrin and Endrin in the Field Using Acidified Zinc. 1981
Regulatory impact analysis for the national ambient air quality standards for nitrogen dioxide: draft report / 1981
Rough estimates of asbestos emission levels / 1980
Safe disposal of hazardous wastes ; the special needs and problems of developing countries 1989
Soil survey, Barbour County, West Virginia 1968
Teratology : principles and techniques. 1965
The NAPAP utility reference file for 1980 / 1987
The politics of regulation / 1980
Underground coal mining methods to abate water pollution : a state of the art literature review / 1970
Waste Treatment Protozoa Flagellata. 1962
Water quality at five proposed industrial sites on the Roanoke and New Rivers 1977

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