Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 139
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Select Item Title Year Published
A review of current methods for measuring particulate matter including condensables from stationary sources / 1989
Active soil depressurization (ASD) demonstration in a large building : project summary / 1997
Active Soil Depressurization (ASD) Demonstration in a Large Building. 1996
Alternate Performance Standard Project: Interpreting the Post-Construction Test. 1993
Ammonia absorption/ammonium bisulfate regeneration pilot plant for flue gas desulfurization / 1977
Ammonia Absorption/Ammonium Bisulfate Regeneration Pilot Plant for Flue Gas Desulfurization. 1977
An Investigation of gas phase ozonolysis reactions / 1976
Analysis of biological populations. 1972
Analysis of Random Errors in Air-Quality Measurements. 1977
Analysis of temperature effects on gasoline marketing operations 1979
Application guide for the source PM10 exhaust gas recycle sampling system / 1989
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 5. Appendices G. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 6. Appendices G. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 8. Appendices J. / 1985
Assessment of VOC emissions and their control from baker's yeast manufacturing facilities / 1992
Bacterial bioassay for level 1 toxicity assessment 1983
Bacterial bioassay for level 1 toxicity assessment / 1983
Bacterial Bioassay for Level I Toxicity Assessment. 1983
Botrytis: Biology, Pathology and Control [electronic resource] / 2007
Business research and report writing 1965
Caffeine-urethane interactions in mouse embryos / 1983
Calibration technology for meteorological satellites 1977
Case studies of radon reduction research in 13 school buildings / 1993
Case studies of radon reduction research in 13 school buildings / 1994
Climate change and Canada's forests : from impacts to adaptation / 2009
Collection and analysis of nonmethane hydrocarbon data from upwind ozone monitoring sites for Louisville, Kentucky and Nashville, Tennessee : draft final report 1980
Colonic carcinogenesis : proceedings of the 31st Falk symposium held during Intestinal Week, Titisee, May 27-29, 1981 1982
Construction and Operation of a 10 CFM (Cubic Feet Per Minute) Sampling System with a 10:1 Dilution Ratio for Measuring Condensable Emissions. 1988
Construction and operation of a 10 cfm sampling system with a 10:1 dilution ratio for measuring condensable emissions / 1988
Current practice in seafoods processing waste treatment / 1970
Design and Characterization of an Isokinetic Sampling Train for Particle Size Measurements Using Emission Gas Recycle. 1987
Design and characterization of an isokinetic sampling train for particle size measurements using exhaust gas recirculation {microform} / 1984
Design and installation of a home radon reduction system : sub-slab depressurization systems in low-permeability soils : handbook / 1991
Designing Suburban Futures New Models from Build a Better Burb / [electronic resource] : 2013
Development and evaluation of dilution probes used for sampling to determine source signatures / 1984
Development and evaluation of dilution probes used for sampling to determine source signatures / 1984
Development of a Source PM10 Sampling Train Using Emission Gas Recycle (EGR). 1985
Development of alternate performance standard for radon resistant construction based on short-term indoor radon concentrations / 1991
Development of alternate performance standard for radon resistant construction based on short-term indoor radon concentrations : volume 2 / 1991
Development of alternate performance standard for radon resistant construction based on short-term/long-term indoor radon concentrations / 1992
Development of sampling methods for source PM10 emissions / 1989
Development of sampling methods for source PM10 emissions : project summary / 1989
Dredging in estuaries : a guide for review of environmental impact statements : guides manual / 1977
Economic and energy analyses of regional water pollution control / 1978
Effectiveness of radon control features in new house construction, south central Florida : project summary / 1996
Effectiveness of Radon Control Features in New House Construction, South Central Florida. 1996
Effects of Sampling Nozzles on the Particle Collection Characteristics of Inertial Sizing Devices. 1987
Energy effective systems for closd loop treatment of electroplating waste water : final report 1986
Engineering design criteria for sub-slab depressurization systems in low-permeability soils / 1990
Environmental methods testing site : user's guide / 1987
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