Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 797
Showing: Items 301 - 350

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Select Item Title Year Published
Epidemiologic study conducted in populations living around nonferrous smelters to determine body tissue burdens of selected nonferrous metals / 1976
Erosion and sediment transport in the Owens River near Bishop, California / 1975
Erosion and sediment yields in mountain watersheds of the Transverse Ranges, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, California : analysis of rates and processes / 1974
Estimating contributions of outdoor fine particles to indoor concentrations and personal exposures : effects of household characteristics and personal activities / 2006
Estimation of infiltration rate in the vadose zone. 1998
Estimation of infiltration rate in the vadose zone: compilation of simple mathematical models, volume I / 1998
Estimation of infiltration rate in {sic} vadose zone: application of selected mathematical models / 0
Evaluating amphibian responses in wetlands impacted by mining activities in the western United States / 1991
Evaluation of and alternate designs for National Human Monitoring Program's Adipose Tissue survey 1980
Evaluation of Field-Deployed Low Cost PM Sensors. 2014
Evaluation of full-scale sugar beet transport water solids dewatering system / 1980
Evaluation of high volume particle sampling and sample handling protocols for ambient urban air mutagencity determinations / 1991
Evaluation of methods of pumping test analyses for application to Hawaiian aquifers : submitted to Board of Water Supply, City and County of Honolulu / 1973
Evaluation of quality assurance/quality control data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey for water-quality activities at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, 1989 through 1993 1996
Evaluation of Second Derivative Spectroscopy for Monitoring Toxic Air Pollutants. 1974
Evaluation of Techniques Used in the Preparation of Diesel Extract Samples for Mutagenicity Studies. 1986
Evaluation of the Dorset Sheep as a Predictive Animal Model for the Response of G-6-PD Deficient Human Erythrocytes to a Proposed Systemic Toxic Ozone Intermediate, Methyl Linoleate Hydroperoxide. 1983
Evaluation of the Dorset Sheep as a Predictive Animal Model for the Response of G-6-PD Deficient Human Erythrocytes to a Proposed Systemic Toxic Ozone Intermediate, Methyl Oleate Hydroperoxide. 1983
Evaluation of the Dorset Sheep as a Predictive Animal Model for the Response of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase-Deficient Human Erythocytes to a Proposed Systemic Toxic Ozone Intermediate, Methyl Oleate Ozonide. 1983
Evaluation of the Emissions from Low-Sulfur and Biodiesel Fuel Used in an Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck during On-Road Operation. 2009
Evaluation of the Performance of Reflectance and Electrochemical Technologies for the Measurement of Lead in Characterized Paints, Bulk Dusts, and Soils. 1996
Evaluation of the procedures for identification of hazardous waste : interim report, August 1979 / 1979
Evaluation of the procedures for identification of hazardous wastes / 1981
Evaluation of the procedures for identification of hazardous wastes / 1981
Examining the health disparities research plan of the National Institutes of Health : unfinished business / 2006
Expert review of pharmacokinetic data : formaldehyde : final evaluation report. 1986
Exposure of high risk subpopulations to particles : final report (APM-21)/ 2003
Eyes on the prize : America's civil rights years, 1954-1965 / 2013
Feasibility of Centralized Management of Water Recreation Facilities in Mississippi. 1971
Feasibility of expanding the livestock feeding and meat packing industry ... / 1970
Feasibility of reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation, fertilization, and ground-water recharge in Idaho, 1969
Feed use in Oklahoma commercial feedlots 1962
Field guide to the natural history of the San Francisco Peninsula 1967
Final environmental impact statement : Grand Strand region, South Carolina / 1977
Final report : measurements of hydrocarbon emissions and ambient air concentrations at the Amoco Yorktown refinery. 1991
Final Report: Deep Well Injection of Brine, Paradox Valley Unit 1982
First International Symposium Field Screening Methods for Hazardous Waste Site Investigations : October 11-13, 1988 : symposium proceedings. 1989
Flame retardant coatings and building materials. 1974
Flood profiles and inundated areas along the Deschutes River, Washington / 1976
Floods of December 1964 and January 1965 in the Far Western States / 1970
Florida aquifer storage and recovery geochemical study, southwest Florida : year one & year two progress report / 2002
Florida hurricanes and tropical storms / 1997
Flow and gas sampling manual / 1976
Flue gas desulfurization system capabilities for coal-fired steam generators / 1978
Flume width and water depth effects in sediment-transport experiments, 1970
Foundations of Systematics and Biogeography [electronic resource] / 2008
Fourier Encoded Data Searching of Infrared Spectra (FEDS/IRS). 1981
Fractionation of complex combustion mixtures using an ion-exchange methodology / 1991
Freshwater isopods (Asellidae) of North America / 1976
Freshwater isopods (Asellidae) of North America / 1972
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