Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 797
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Select Item Title Year Published
1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane 1984
13th National Online Meeting proceedings--1992 New York, May 5-7, 1992 / 1992
15-meter LANDSAT analyses of the Mississippi River : map series from headwaters to the gulf of Mexico / 2003
15th National Online Meeting proceedings--1994 New York, May 10-12, 1994 / 1994
1979 Maryland saltwater sport fishing survey 1982
1980 Maryland saltwater sport fishing survey 1983
2-Nitropropane 1992
A cultural resource survey of the site of the proposed Persigo Wash treatment plant and interceptors near Grand Junction, Colorado / 1978
A fluorescence immunoassay technique for detecting organic environimental contaminants / 1975
A geostatistical methodology to assess the accuracy of unsaturated flow models / 1996
A guide to the prevention of ground water contamination by uranium mill wastes / 1982
A key to the marine dinoflagellate genera of the west coast of Florida / 1966
A mathematical model for the description of the optical properties of turbid water in terms of suspended particle size and concentration / 1968
A national assessment of landscape change and impacts to aquatic resources : a 10-year research strategy for the landscape sciences program. / 2000
A profile of the United States Public Health Service, 1798-1948, 1973
A prototype mobile system for pyrolysis of agricultural and/or silvicultural wastes / 1979
A report on the lead reference materials workshop : Washington, D.C., May 13-14, 1991 / 1991
A retrospective view of the value of short-term genetic bioassays in predicting the chronic effects of diesel soot / 1986
A simulated well environment for testing ground-water samplers : Michael R. Whitbeck and Robert Williams / 1990
A solid substrate immunological assay for monitoring organic environmental contaminants / 1977
A study of the feasibility of requiring the federal government to use retreaded tires / 1975
A study of the pollution and natural purification of the Illinois river ... 1927
A study on the accuracy of type-S pitot tubes / 1977
Acid rock drainage prediction & treatment / 2002
Actinomycete distribution in northern Green Bay and the Great Lakes : taste and odor relationships in eutrophication of nearshore waters and embayments / 1976
Activity of Environmental Samples in a Cell Culture Test for Asbestos Toxicity. 1980
Advances in free-radical chemistry. 1965
Aerial photographic analysis of industrial site : Newark, California / 1985
Aerial photographic analysis of the GTE Government Systems facility : Mountain View, California / 1995
Aerial photographic analysis Santa Monica groundwater area : Santa Monica, California / 1996
Aerial reconnaissance of hazardous waste and pollution sources : BMI Industrial Complex, Henderson, Nevada, 1943-1979 / 1980
Aerosol characterization of ambient air near a commercial Lurgi coal gasification plant, Kosovo Region, Yugoslavia / 1980
African Climate and Climate Change Physical, Social and Political Perspectives / [electronic resource] : 2011
Agricultural hydrology and water quality American Water Resources Association 2003 Spring Specialty Conference proceedings : May 12-14, 2003, Kansas City, MO / {electronic resource} : 2003
Agricultural insecticide runoff effects on estuarine organisms : correlating laboratory and field toxicity testing with ecotoxicological biomonitoring / 1988
Air and water pollution; proceedings of the summer workshop, August 3 to August 15, 1970, University of Colorado. 1972
Air pollutant emissions related to land area : a basis for a preventive air pollution control program / 1968
Air pollution : measurement, modelling and mitigation / 2019
Air Pollution Control Compliance Analysis Report on Coal-Fired Industrial Boilers. 1976
Air pollution dispersion in street canyons : comparisons of a simple model with measured data 1983
Air revitalization unit for sealed survival shelters 1970
Air Sensor Guidebook. 2014
Airborne : hazardous air pollutants causing human health risks and ecological damage go unregulated : a report on EPA's failure to regulate hazardous air pollutants / 2002
Airborne sea salt : a quantative study of some of its effects on plants / 1974
Alaska State and Tribal Response Program: Brownfield Handbook. 2010
Allergens and respiratory pollutants : the role of innate immunity / 2011
Alternate concentration limit guidance / 1987
Alternative water disinfection schemes for reduced trihalomethane formation / 1984
Alternative Water Disinfection Schemes for Reduced Trihalomethane Formation. Volume I. Prototype Studies. 1982
Ambient Ammonia Measurements in Coastal Southeastern Virginia. 1981
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