Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12

Select Item Title Year Published
Comprehensive technical report on all atmospheric contaminants associated with photochemical air pollution / 1970
Controlled evaluation of the reactive environmental simulation model (REM). vol. II user's guide / 1973
Controlled evaluation of the reactive environmental simulation model (REM); vol. I, final report / 1973
Detection and interpretation of trends in oxidant air quality / 1976
Effects of fuel olefin content on composition and smog forming capabilities of engine exhaust: interim report 1958
Emission factors and emission source information for primary and secondary copper smelters / 1977
Improving performance of the Maryland air management administration ozone model (OZIPM) / 1982
Irritant effects of industrial chemicals : formaldehyde / 1976
Relation of reactive components of gasoline to the production of "photochemical smog" 1959
Reliability study of vapor recovery systems at service stations / 1976
Seasonal variations in organic emissions for significant sources of volatile organic compounds / 1978
Validation of an improved photochemical air quality simulation model 1977

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