Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of three tests of the unconfined aquifer in southern Nassau County, Long Island, New York 1983
Distribution and abundance of benthic organisms in the Sacramento River, California 1977
Effects on ground-water quality from irrigating pasture with sewage effluent near Lakeland, Florida / 1977
Geohydrology of the Englishtown Formation in the northern coastal plain of New Jersey / 1977
Geology and ground water in north-central Santa Cruz County, California 1980
Graphical method for estimating occurrence and duration of a critical low flow in the Sacramento River at Freeport, California 1983
Ground-water levels in the lower Paleozoic and Precambrian crystalline rocks, southeastern Chester County, Pennsylvania, July and August 1986 1987
Hydrologic- and salt-balance investigations utilizing digital models : lower San Luis Rey area, San Diego County, California / 1974
Model for simulation of flow in singular and interconnected channels. 1981
Reported withdrawals and estimated use of water in Oklahoma during 1982 1985
Sediment discharge from highway construction near Port Carbon, Pennsylvania 1977
Sediment transport of streams tributary to San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisun Bays, California, 1909-66 1980
Stream simulation in an analog model of the ground-water system on Lond Island, New York 1977
Summary of ground-water pumpage in the Central Valley, California, 1961-77 1983
Three-dimensional digital-computer model of the principal ground-water reservoir of the Sevier Desert, Utah 1983
Water quality in Rhode River at Smithsonian Institution Pier near Annapolis, Maryland : January 1974 through December 1975 / 1977
Water-quality and chemical loads of the Susquehanna River at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, April 1980 to March 1981 1984

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