Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Accuracy of remotely sensed SO2 mass emission rates / 1979
Aggregation problems in benefits estimation : a simulation approach / 1984
Agricultural sector benefits analysis for ozone : methods evaluation and demonstration / 1984
Agroforestry : sustaining native bee habitat for crop pollination / 2006
Air pollution evaluation : Pascagoula-Moss Point area of Mississippi / 1964
Analysis of the Current Impact of Plastic Refuse Disposal Upon the Environment. 1974
Assessment of the mutagenic potential of carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, dichloromethane, ethylene dichloride, and methyl bromide : a comparative analysis in relation to ethylene dibromide / 1985
Changing state roles in public works report to the National Council on Public works improvement / 1987
Cold weather plume study / 1986
Cold weather plume study / 1987
Cold weather plume study / 1986
Cropping, tillage and land management practices of southwestern Ontario / 1986
Design of a Limited-Access Facility and Safety Program for a Genetic Toxicology Laboratory. 1985
Effects of oil and chemically dispersed oil on selected marine biota a laboratory study / 1973
Endangered Species Act handbook 1994
Enforcing pollution control laws 1986
Environmental assessment of future disposal methods for plastics in municipal solid waste / 1975
Environmental effects of utilizing solid waste as a supplementary power plant fuel / 1984
Environmental Effects of Utilizing Solid Waste as a Supplementary Power Plant Fuel. 1984
Field study of air pollution transport in the South Coast Air Basin / 1973
Field study of air pollution transport in the South Coast Air Basin / 1974
Financial risk analysis of infrastructure debt the case of water and power investments / 1991
First annual progress report on a study of corrosion in municipal incinerators. 1973
Formaldehyde and cancers of the pharynx, sinus and naval cavity I. occupational exposure : II. residential exposure / 1986
Freshwater recreational fishing : the national benefits of water pollution control 1982
Hanford National Environmental Research Park (NERP) a descriptive summary of the site and site-related research programs, 1952-1977 / 1977
Hazard Evaluation Division Standard Evaluation Procedure - Field Testing for Pollinators. 1987
Hazard Evaluation Division standard evaluation procedure : honey bee : toxicity of residues on foliage {Microfiche} / 1985
Hazard Evaluation Division, standard evaluation procedure : guidance for evaluation of eye irritation testing. 1988
Hazard Evaluation Division, Standard Evaluation Procedure: Honey Bee - Acute Contact LD(50) Test. 1985
Health assessment document for carbon tetrachloride. 1984
Health assessment document for tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) / 1984
Health assessment document for tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) : review draft. 1984
Identification of Cocarcinogens and Their Potential Mechanisms of Action Using C3H10T(1/2)CL8 Mouse Embryo Fibroblasts. 1981
Improving forage for native bee crop pollinators / 2006
Lessons learned on planning and scoping for environmental risk assessments / 2002
Limited SO2 and NOX Measurements in St. Louis, 1974: Volume I - Plume Tracking by Correlation Spectroscopy. 1975
Log transfer and storage facilities in Southeast Alaska a review / 1985
Management of solid wastes from hospitals : problems and technology / 1968
Mangroves, mosquitoes and man 1990
Mapping Environmental Issues in the City Arts and Cartography Cross Perspectives / [electronic resource] : 2011
Mathematical methods in chemical engineering 1963
Pacific Northwest Laboratory annual report for 1970 to the USAEC Division of Biology and Medicine : volume I, life sciences. Part 2, Ecological sciences / 1971
Pacific Northwest Laboratory annual report for 1974 to the USAEC Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research. Part 2, Ecological sciences / 1974
Pesticide Assessment Guidelines, Subdivision L, Hazard Evaluation: Nontarget Insects, Series 141-1, 141-2, and 141-5. Honey Bee Studies. Addendum 1 on Data Reporting. 1987
Population characteristics of Gulf Menhaden, Brevoortia patronus / 1996
Population characteristics of Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus / 2000
Population-level effects of multiple stresses on fish and shellfish / 1982
Preliminary report on the mutagenicity of carbaryl 1981
Remote sensing applications in meteorology and climatology 1987
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