Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Van AND Der AND Heijde AND Paul AND K AND M)

Select Item Title Year Published
Compilation of ground-water models / 1993
Compilation of saturated and unsaturated zone modeling software / 1996
Design and operation of the IGWMC model information database MARS (Model Annotation Search and Retrieval System) 1989
Ground-water model testing : systematic evaluation and testing of code functionality and performance / 1997
Ground-water model testing : systematic evaluation and testing of code functionality and performance : project summary / 1997
Ground-water model testing : systematic evaluation and testing of code functionality and performance. 1997
Groundwater modeling : an overview and status report / 1989
Groundwater modeling : an overview and status report / 1989
Quality assurance in computer simulations of groundwater contamination / 1987
The Establishment of a groundwater research data center for validation of subsurface flow and transport models / 1989
The establishment of a groundwater research data center for validation of subsurface flow and transport models / 1989

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