Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
Showing: Items 1 - 32

Select Item Title Year Published
A cryogenic preconcentration : direct FID (PDFID) method for measurement of NMOC in ambient air / 1986
Acid rain information book 1984
Acid rain information book / 1982
An atlas of the distribution and abundance of dominant benthic invertebrates in the New York Bight Apex with reviews of their life histories / 1983
Beacham's guide to the endangered species of North America / 2001
Biological availability of total phosphorus / 1979
Bivalve seashells of Western North America : marine bivalve mollusks from Arctic Alaska to Baja California / 2000
CHAVG - A Program for Computing Averages of Hourly Air Pollutant Concentrations, User's Guide. 1982
CHAVG, a program for computing averages of hourly air pollutant concentrations : user's guide / 1982
CHAVG, a program for computing averages of hourly air pollutant concentrations : user's guide / 1982
Chemical shoreline cleaning agents : evaluation of two laboratory procedures for estimating performance / 1993
Chemical surface washing agents for oil spills : project summary / 1993
Development of a chemical denitrification process / 1970
Dilute solution reactions of the nitrate ion as applied to water reclamation / 1968
Dilute solution reactions of the nitrate ion as applied to water reclamation / 1968
Economic impact of air emissions regulations : waste solvent recycling : final report. 1988
Effect of particulates on disinfection of enteroviruses in water by chlorine dioxide / 1979
Groupings of organic waste chemicals based on sorption, biotransformation and hydrolysis at standard conditions for application to the deep subsurface environment / S. L. Phillips, F. V. Hale and C. F. Tsang. 1988
Handbook for preparing user's guides for air quality models / 1983
Instream Aeration of Polluted Rivers. 1969
Legal control of water pollution. 1969
Lipoprotein structure 1980
Location of abandoned wells with geophysical methods / 1984
Oxygen regeneration of polluted rivers : second annual progress report / 1968
Oxygen regeneration of polluted rivers: the Delaware River / 1970
Persistent effects of sarin and dieldrin upon the primate elect--. 1975
Predicting diffusion of atmospheric contaminants by consideration of turbulent characteristics of WSMR 1968
Primary copper smelter, NSPS revision : emissions testing at the Phelps Dodge Smelter, Morenci, Arizona / 1982
PTPLU-- a single source gaussian dispersion algorithm : user's guide / 1982
Toxicity of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) to fish and other aquatic life 1977
Trace Elements of Fly Ash: Emissions from Coal-Fired Steam Plants Equipped with Hot-Side and Cold-Side Electrostatic Precipitators for Particulate Control. 1978
Virus and rickettsial classification and nomenclature, 1953

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