Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
Showing: Items 1 - 44
Your Search: (AUTHOR=US AND Department AND of AND Interior AND Bureau AND of AND Land AND Management)

Select Item Title Year Published
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Glenwood Springs Resources Management Plan Map Addendum 1982
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Kaiparowits 1975
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Mountain Valley Grazing Management 0
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Ouray to Interstate 70 Highway 1992
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Parker Mountain Grazing Management 0
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Uintah Basin Synfuels Development 1982
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Yankee Gulch Sodium Minerals Project American Soda, L.L.P. 1999
Draft Environmental Impact Statement, North Fork Coal, Delta and Gunnison Counties, Colorado, September 1999 1999
Draft Environmental Impact Statement, North Fork Coal, Delta and Gunnison Counties, Colorado, September 1999, Figures 1999
Draft Northeast Resource Area Resource Management Plan Environmental Impact Statement 1984
Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Tiffany Enhanced Coalbed Methane Project 1996
Environmental Assessment, Application for Permit to Drill Conoco Incorporated Reese Canyon Federal #2 1997
Final Environmental Impact Statement Record of Decision Price Coalbed Methane Project, Volume I and Volume II 1997
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Aptus Industrial and Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility, Tooele County, Utah 1988
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Uintah Basin Synfuels Development, Volume 1 and 2 1983
Final Oil and Gas Leasing Environmental Impact Statement Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests 1993
Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Statement, South Platte Division, Narrows Unit, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, Colorado 1985
Final Tooele Grazing Environmental Impact Statement 1983
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests Oil and Gas Leasing Final Environmental Impact Statement Record of Decision 1993
Grand Resource Area Proposed Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement 1983
Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area: draft resource management plan and environmental impact statement 2003
Little Snake Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement Moffat Rio Blanco and Routt Counties, Colorado 1986
Moon Lake Power Plant Project Units 1 and 2, Environmental Impact Statement, Draft 1981
Rangeland Program Summary Third Update for Kremmling Resource Area 1990
Rock Creek/Muddy Creek Reservoir Environmental Impact Statement Final, Record of Decision 1990
Rock Creek/Muddy Creek Reservoir Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Routt and Grand Counties, Colorado 1988
San Juan Resource Management Plan, Proposed Resource Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1 and Volume 2 1987
San Juan/San Miguel Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement, Final 1984
Summary Final Oil and Gas Leasing Environmental Impact Statement Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests 1993
Tar Sand Triangle Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Proposed Lease Conversions 1984
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume I Overview 1985
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume II West-Central Region 1986
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume III Part A, South-West Region 1986
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume III Part B, South-West Region 1986
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume IV South-Central Region 1986
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume V South-East Region 1986
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume VI East-Central Region 1986
Utah Combined Hydrocarbon Regional Draft EIS, Volume II: Leasing Category Amendments 1983
Warm Springs Resource Area Draft Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement 1986
Warm Springs Resource Area, Proposed Resource Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement 1986
West Desert Pumping Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1986
West Desert Pumping Project Final Environmental Impact Statement 1986
White River Resource Area, Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement 1996
Williams, Questar, & Kern River Pipeline Projects, Draft Environmental Impact Statement 2001

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