Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 43
Showing: Items 1 - 43
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Turner AND D AND Bruce)

Select Item Title Year Published
A simple screening technique for estimating the impact of a point-source of air pollution relative to the Air Quality Standards / 1973
Addendum to TUPOS--incorporation of a hesitant plume algorithm / 1986
Analysis of Complex 1 and Complex 2 - Candidate Screening Models. 1983
Analysis of Complex I and Complex II : candidate screening models / 1983
Atmospheric dispersion modeling : a critical review / 1979
Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling, A Critical Review. 1979
Biological and fisheries data on tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps Goode and Bean 1977
Building HVAC/foundation diagnostics for radon mitigation in schools : part 2 technical session T-20 / 1990
Climatological Dispersion Model QC (CDMQC) Computer Program. 1977
Description of UNAMAP (version 6) / 1986
Developments in National Weather Service meteorological data collection programs as related to EPA air pollution models / 1988
Developments in National Weather Service meteorological data collection programs as related to EPA air pollution models / 1987
Evaluation and assessment of UNAMAP / 1988
Evolutionary genetics of fishes 1984
Fundamentals of air pollution / 1984
Handbook for preparing user's guides for air quality models / 1983
Inpuff : a single source gaussian puff dispersion algorithm : user's guide / 1984
Mesoscale Air Quality Simulation Models. 1981
MPDA-1 : a meteorological processor for diffusion analysis : user's guide / 1986
MPTER (Multiple Point Algorithm with Terrain Adjustment). 1980
On-site meteorological measurements : (draft for review by regional meteorologists, 2 June 1978) / 1978
PAL, HIWAY-2, TEM8, MESO Models. 1980
PTPLU-- a single source gaussian dispersion algorithm : user's guide / 1982
Study of impacts of project modification and river regulation on riparian habitats and associated wildlife along the Columbia River / 1980
TUPOS : a multiple source Gaussian dispersion algorithm using on-site turbulence data / 1986
Tupos : a multiple source Gaussian dispersion algorithm using on-site turbulence data / 1986
TUPOS-P : a program for analyzing hourly and partial concentration files produced by TUPOS / 1986
TUPOS-P : a program for analyzing hourly and partial concentration files produced by TUPOS / 1986
UNAMAP (Version 3), User's Network for Applied Modeling of Air Pollution. 1978
UNAMAP (Version 4) - Documentation Change 1. 1981
UNAMAP (Version 4), User's Network for Applied Modeling of Air Pollution. 1981
UNAMAP: User's Network for Applied Modeling of Air Pollution, Version 5. 1983
User's guide for MPTER : a multiple point gaussian dispersion algorithm with optional terrain adjustment / 1980
User's guide for MPTER : a multiple point gaussian dispersion algorithm with optional terrain adjustment / 1980
User's guide for RAM / 1987
User's guide for RAM / 1978
User's guide for RAM, second edition : project summary / 1987
User's Guide for RAM: Volume II Data Preparation and Listings / 1978
User's guide to the interactive versions of three point source dispersion programs : PTMAX, PTDIS, and PTMTP / 1973
User's Guides to the Interactive Version of Three Point Source Dispersion Programs: PTMAX, PTDIS, and PTMTP. 1973
Workbook of atmospheric dispersion estimates / 1970
Workbook of atmospheric dispersion estimates / 1969
Workbook of atmospheric dispersion estimates / 1973

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