Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 74
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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Thomas AND R AND W)

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Select Item Title Year Published
An exposure and risk assessment for cyanide / 1981
Asbestos fiber reentrainment during vacuuming and wet-cleaning of carpet at a captive research site / 1989
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the Belle Fourche and Little Missouri River Basins / 1979
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the San Juan Basin / 1979
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the Tongue and Powder River Basins / 1979
Before and after case studies: Comparisons of water quality following municipal treatment plant improvements [microform] / 1984
Benthos Investigations: Sediment Boxes or Natural Bottom. 1982
Beta gauge instrumentation for the measurement of aerosol mass / 1980
Characterization of Chemical Waste Site Contamination and Determination of Its Extent Using Bioassays. 1986
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective. Task II Removal of boron from wastewater / 1976
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspectives ; Task III chlorofluorocarbon emission control in selected end-use applications. 1976
Comparison of design concentrations based on hourly mixing heights estimated by RAMMET and METPRO. 1993
Comparison of fossil and wood fuels / 1976
Contemporary Issues in Toxicology: A New Frontier in Understanding the Mechanisms of Developmental Abnormalities. 1993
Contribution of sediment and associated elements to the Great Lakes from erosion of the Canadian shoreline : Task D, activity 1 / 1978
Determination of nitrosamines in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1982
Determination of nitrosamines in industrial and municipal wastewaters {Microfiche} 1982
Development of the regional oxidant model version 2.1 / 1989
Distribution of phytoplankton in Alabama lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Maryland lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Mississippi lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in South Carolina lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Virginia lakes / 1977
Ecological recovery after reclamation of toxic spoils left by coal surface mining : phase II, an assessment of environmental changes following intensive remedial treatments / 1987
Effects of Inhaled Hexachlorobenzene Aerosols on Rat Pulmonary Host Defenses. 1989
Effects of Oxygen Demand on Surface Reaeration. 1970
Effects of Some Representative Petroleum Refinery Effluent Compounds on Photosynthesis and Growth of Natural Marine Phytoplankton Assemblages. Part 1. Cresols. 1981
Energy requirements for controlling SO2 emissions from coal-fired steam/electric generators : executive summary / 1977
Environmental assessment of shop towel usage in the automotive and printing industries / 1997
Environmental Assessment of Shop Towel Usage in the Automotive and Printing Industries Project Summary 1997
Establishment and growth of selected freshwater and coastal marsh plants in relation to characteristics of dredged sediments : final report / 1977
Evaluation of Microbiological Aerosols Associated with the Application of Wastewater to Land: Pleasanton, California. 1979
Evaluation of proposed environmental scoring methodology 1985
Failure rate analyses and development of fast-pass, retest, and CPP algorithms for IM147 max CO cutpoints / 2000
Failure rate analyses and development of fast-pass, retest, and CPP algorithms for IM147 max CO cutpoints / 1999
Firefly luciferase ATP assay development for monitoring bacterial concentrations in water supplies / 1981
Freshwater assay using soil eluates as sample material : (single laboratory evaluation) / 1990
Ground Water Supply Survey. Summary of Volatile Organic Contaminant Occurrence Data. 1983
Handbook : stream sampling for waste load allocation applications / 1986
Hazardous materials spill monitoring : safety handbook and chemical hazard guide / 1979
How should research and monitoring be integrated? / 1984
Industrial process profiles for environmental use, chapter 7 : organic dyes and pigments industry / 1977
Leaking underground storage tanks : remediation with emphasis on in situ biorestoration / 1987
Legal issues of emission density zoning / 1978
Life cycle assessment for PC blend 2 aircraft radome depainter 1996
Life cycle assessment for PC blend 2 aircraft radome depainter : project summary / 1996
Manual of procedures and criteria for inspecting the installation of flexible membrane liners in hazardous waste facilities / 1987
Measurement and the Law: Monitoring for Compliance with the Clean Air Amendments of 1970. 1977
Particle total exposure assessment methodology (PTEAM) : Riverside, California pilot study - volume I / 1993
PCB trial burn report for the U.S. EPA combustion research facility liquid injection incinerators system / 1987
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