Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Technical AND reports AND series)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analytical chemistry of nuclear materials : second panel report : report of a Panel on Analytical Chemistry of Nuclear Materials, held in Vienna, 23-26 March 1964. 1966
Chemical treatment of radioactive wastes / 1968
Design and operation of evaporators for radioactive wastes / 1968
Design of radiotracer experiments in marine biological systems. 1975
Economics in managing radioactive wastes : report resulting from two panels of experts on the economics of radioactive waste management. 1968
Effects of ionizing radiation on aquatic organisms and ecosystems. 1976
Environmental health aspects of metropolitan planning and development. Report of a WHO Expert Committee. 1965
Epidemiology and control of schistosomiasis; report of a WHO Expert Committee, Geneva, 1978. 1967
Guidebook on nuclear techniques in hydrology / 1968
Handling and storage of high-level radioactive liquid wastes requiring cooling. 1979
Laboratory manual on the use of radiotracer techniques in industry and environmental pollution. 1975
Laboratory training manual on the use of isotopes and radiation in entomology : a joint undertaking by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency. 1966
Laboratory training manual on the use of isotopes and radiation in entomology : a joint undertaking by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency. 1977
Methodology for assessing impacts of radioactivity on aquatic ecosystems : report of an advisory group meeting on methodology of radiation effect experiments on aquatic organisms and ecosystems for the evaluation of the effects of radionuclide releases to aquatic environments organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 21-25 November 1977. 1979
Quick methods for radiochemical analysis. 1969
Radioisotope techniques in the study of protein metabolism : findings of a Panel on Radioisotope Techniques in the Study of Protein Metabolism held in Vienna, 1-5 June 1964. 1965
Scientific and technical assessment report on particulate polycyclic organic matter (PPOM) / 1975
Technology of radioactive waste management avoiding environmental disposal : report of a panel held in Vienna from 12-16 February 1962. 1964
Tracer manual on crops and soils : a training manual on the use of radiation and isotopes in agricultural, soil-plant and ecological research / a joint undertaking by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 1976
Treatment of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste concentrates : report of a panel. 1968
Use of local minerals in the treatment of radioactive waste. 1972

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