Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8

Select Item Title Year Published
A preliminary evaluation of hydrology and water quality near the Tacoma landfill, Pierce County, Washington / 1985
A preliminary evaluation of the geohydrology and water quality of the Greenacres landfill area, Spokane County, Washington / 1986
Fluoride, nitrate, and dissolved-solids concentrations in ground waters of Washington / 1984
Quality of ground water in Clark County, Washington, 1988 1991
Quality of ground water in southeastern and south-central Washington, 1982 1986
Quality of ground water in the Columbia Basin, Washington, 1983 1986
Quality of ground water in the Puget Sound Region, Washington, 1981 1986
Water quality of selected lakes in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington with respect to lake acidification 1986

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