Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Stewart AND Michael)

Select Item Title Year Published
500 nations / 2004
Assessing schools for generation R (responsibility) : a guide to legislation and school policy in science education / 2014
Effect of Carbon Monoxide on Time Perception. 1973
Estimating the public health risk of organic carcinogens in U.S. fish 1983
Integrated review plan for the national ambient air quality standard for sulfur dioxide. 2014
Manual and continuous emissions testing kiln no. 1 scrubber inlet and stack, National Lime & Stone Company, Carey, Ohio. 2000
Manual and continuous emissions testing, lime kiln no. 3 scrubber stack, Huron Lime Company, Huron, Ohio. 2000
Manual testing and continuous emissions monitoring, kiln no. 2 scrubber inlet and outlet and kiln no. 3 baghouse inlet and stack, Austin White Lime Company, Austin, Texas. 2000
Manual testing and continuous emissions monitoring, vertical lime kiln baghouse inlet and outlet, Chemical Lime Company, Marble Falls, Texas. 2000
Manual testing and continuous emissions monitoring: rotary lime kiln scrubber inlet and stack, Redland Stone Products Company, San Antonio, Texas. 2000
Manual testing and continuous emissions testing, kiln no. 1 electrostatic precipitator inlet and stack, kiln no. 2 baghouse inlet and stack Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties, Woodville, Ohio : final report. 2000
Marine ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean, 2003-2008 / 2010
Spatial models and GIS : new potential and new models / 2000
The state of Boston Harbor, 1994 : connecting the harbor to its watersheds / 1995

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