Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A review of Lake Ontario water quality with emphasis on the 1981-1982 intensive years : a report to the Surveillance Subcommittee of the Great Lakes Water Quality Board / 1988
Acutely Lethal Levels of Cadmium, Copper, and Zinc to Adult Male Coho Salmon and Steelhead. 1978
Aeromagnetic contour map of the Culpeper Basin and vicinity, Virginia 1982
Air Quality Monitoring in Atlanta with the Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometer. 1991
Alaska crab stock enhancement and rehabilitation : workshop proceedings, March 14-16, 2006, Kodiak, Alaska / 2006
Alternative Disinfection Processes. 1984
Analysis of cadmium substitutes 1980
Analysis of Organohalides in Water--An Evaluation Update. 1983
Analytical methods applied to air pollution measurements. 1974
Analytical system for measuring malodorous compounds from kraft mills / 1978
Annular Denuder Results from Boise, ID. 1988
Annular Denuders for Use in Global Climate and Stratospheric Measurements of Acidic Gases and Particles (Abstract Only). 1991
Application of a hot wire ionization detector to automotive exhaust gas analysis / 1967
Application of plastic media trickling filters for biological nitrification systems / 1972
Application of Plastic Media Trickling Filters for Biological Nitrification Systems. 1973
Application of plastic media trickling, filters for biological nitrification systems / 1973
Apportionment of residential indoor aerosol, VOC, aldehyde species to indoor and outdoor sources. [microfiche] / 1990
Aridland springs in North America : ecology and conservation / 2008
Avoidance of Copper and Nickel by Rainbow Trout as Monitored by a Computer-Based Data Acquisition System. 1982
Avoidance Responses of Salmon and Trout to Air-Supersaturated Water. 1980
Biodegradation of organopollutants by a white rot fungus in bench scale reactors final report / 1993
Blue Crab, 'Callinectes sapidus', Hemocyanin Concentrations as an Indicator of Environmental Conditions in the Albemarle/Pamlico Estuary. 1992
By-Products of Chlorination at Ten Operating Utilities. 1987
Cache slough/yolo bypass ecosystem monitoring study to determine wetland mitigation success 1995
Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen-Nitrogen Ratios as Factors Affecting Salmon Survival in Air-Supersaturated Water. 1976
Catalog of pesticide NMR spectra / 1971
Characterization of the Aerosol in the Great Smoky Mountains. 1980
Characterization of the Wintertime Boise, Idaho, Air Shed: A Comprehensive Field Study Report for the U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. 1991
Chemical and physical properties of emissions frim Kuwaiti oil fires {microform} / 1992
Chemical Element Balance Analysis of Denver Aerosol. 1981
Chemical occurrence data sets for source water assessments / 2003
Chemical reactions of aquatic humic materials with selected oxidants / 1983
Chlorinated Humic Acid Mixtures Establish Criteria for Detection of Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water. 1987
Classifying Soils for Acidic Deposition Aquatic Effects: A Scheme for the Northeast USA. 1989
Comparison of Air Quality Measurements in Roanoke, Virginia, and Other Integrated Air Cancer Project Monitoring Locations. 1993
Compendium of industry-nominated technology breakthroughs of NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers 2009 / 2009
Compliance monitoring of purgeable organics with mass spectrometry / 1984
Composite Receptor Method Applied to Philadelphia Aerosol. 1988
Composition and Origins of Aerosol at a Forested Mountain in Soviet Georgia. 1984
Composition of Aerosols Over Los Angeles Freeways. 1979
Conservation through cultural survival : indigenous peoples and protected areas / 1997
Contribution of Woodsmoke and Motor Vehicle Emissions to Ambient Aerosol Mutagenicity (Journal Version). 1988
Criteria for Regional Solid Waste Management Planning. 1974
Critical review of estimating benefits of air and water pollution control / 1978
Cross-country urban and rural measurements of NOx and SO2 / 1980
Current methods to measure atmospheric nitric acid and nitrate artifacts / 1979
Czech Air Quality Monitoring and Receptor Modeling Study. 1997
Czech-U.S. EPA Health Study: Assessment of Personal and Ambient Air Exposures to PAH and Organic Mutagens in the Teplice District of Northern Bohemia. 1993
Decision Model for Biomarkers of Exposure. 1991
Design report for EMAP : environmental monitoring and assessment program / 1990
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