Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 50
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Stephens AND T)

Select Item Title Year Published
A case study of hazardous wastes in Class I landfills / 1978
A method for determining the compatibility of hazardous wastes / 1980
Activated carbon treatment of kraft bleaching effluents / 1977
Activated Carbon Treatment of Kraft Bleaching Effluents. 1977
Advances in road vehicle aerodynamics 1973, 1973
Air pollution effects of irradiated automobile exhaust as related to fuel composition, 1958
Analysis of narrow skip-row cotton 2000
Anthrax : what every clinician should know / 2001
Atmospheric emission from offshore oil and gas development and production / 1977
Blueprint for one water / 2017
Butane freezing process for dewatering sludge 1976
Clinical diagnosis and management of anthrax : lessons learned / 2001
Development and preliminary design of a sorbent-oil recovery system / 1973
Dictionary of electronics and nucleonics 1969
Exercise, Fitness, and Health: A Consensus of Current Knowledge. 1990
Fate of sulfur dioxide in a plume / 1969
Formation of photochemical aerosols / 1977
How to perform continuous sampling (CSP) 1979
How to perform skip-lot and chain sampling 1982
Hydrocarbons in polluted air : summary report, June 1973 / 1973
Incinerator overfire mixing demonstration / 1975
Interactions of Chrysotile and Benzopyrene in a Human Cell Culture Systems. 1983
Interest group perceptions of development issues in tidewater Virginia / 1977
Light and Electron Microscopy of Dogs' Lungs After Long-Term Exposure to Ozone. 1972
Minimizing damage to refineries from nuclear attack, natural, and other disasters : a handbook reviewing potential hazards that could affect petroleum refinery operations in times of war and peace / 1972
Oxidant-precursor relationships / 1979
Philadelphia oxidant data enhancement study : analysis and interpretation of measured data / 1981
Potential Environmental Consequences of Tertiary Oil Recovery. 1976
Preliminary experiments with a modified tracer technique for measuring stream reaeration coefficients 1975
Reference manual of countermeasures for hazardous substance releases / 1987
Samplers and sampling procedures for hazardous waste streams / 1980
Soil and watershed characteristics of southeast Alaska and some western Oregon drainages 1966
Soil survey of Johnson County, Wyoming, southern part 1975
Soil survey, Goshen County, Wyoming, southern part 1971
Special sediment investigations Mississippi River at St. Louis, Missouri, 1961-63 / 1966
The Role of ozone in tracheal cell transformation / 1992
The Upper Colorado River National Water-Quality Assessment Program surface-water-monitoring network. 1996
Trees, shrubs, and woody vines in Kansas 1969
Ultra-narrow-row cotton production in Mississippi : 2000 update / 2001
Use of water in Arkansas, 1960, 1961
Use of water in Arkansas, 1965, 1966
User's guide to ADMB2R : a set of AD model builder output routines compatible with the R statistics language / 2006
User's guide to C2R : a set of C language output routines compatible with the R statistics language / 2006
User's guide to For2R : a module of Fortran 95 output routines compatible with the R statistics language / 2006
Vadose zone hydrology / 1996
Visual Basic graphics programming : hands-on applications and advanced color development / 2000
Vulnerability of natural gas systems / 1974
Vulnerability of total petroleum systems / 1973
Water resources of Jackson and Independence Counties, Arkansas / 1967
Xeriscape gardening : water conservation for the American landscape / 1992

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