Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Sorrels AND Larry)

Select Item Title Year Published
Control measure evaluations : the control measure data base for the National Emission Trends inventory (ControlNET) 2001
Control measure evaluations : the control measure data base for the National Emission Trends inventory (ControlNET). 2001
Economic Impact Analysis (EIA) for the manganese ferroalloys RTR. 2015
Economic impact analysis (EIA) for the proposed stationary combustion turbines NSPS 2005
Economic impact analysis (EIA) for the stationary combustion turbines NSPS. 2006
Economic impact analysis for the petroleum refineries NESHAP. 1995
Economic impact analysis for the polymers and resins I NESHAP. 1995
Economic impact analysis for the polymers and resins IV NESHAP. 1996
Economic impact analysis for the printing and publishing NESHAP. 1996
Economic impact analysis for the proposed municipal solid waste landfills. 2000
Economic impact analysis of the halogenated solvent cleaners residual risk standard. 2007
Economic impact analysis of the perchloroethylene dry cleaning residual risk standard. 2006
Economic impact analysis of the proposed hydrochloric acid (HCl) production NESHAP. 2001
Economic impact analysis of the proposed perchloroethylene dry cleaning residual risk standard. 2005
Economic impact and small business analysis for petroleum refinery NESHAP -- heat exchange systems. 2009
Industry profile for the proposed wood building products NESHAP : final report. 2001
Off-site waste and recovery operations NESHAP : economic impact analysis. 1996
Regulatory impact analysis (RIA) for proposed residential wood heaters NSPS revision / 2012
Regulatory impact analysis for the final National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants : gasoline distribution technology review and standards of performance for bulk gasoline terminals review 2024
Regulatory impact analysis for the final reclassification of major sources as area sources under section 112 of the Clean Air Act : final report / 2020
Regulatory impact analysis for the petroleum refineries NESHAP. 1995
Regulatory impact analysis of the industrial, commercial, and institutional boilers and process heaters NESHAP amendments 2022

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