Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Snow AND R)

Select Item Title Year Published
Ambient Temperature and Driving Cycle Effects on CNG Motor Vehicle Emission. 1993
Central Carolina Vehicle Particulated Emission Study. 2000
Characterization of Emissions from an Early Model FFV. 1991
Characterization of Emissions from Vehicles Using Methanol and Methanol-Gasoline Blended Fuels. 1985
Coastal Zone Wind Energy. Part II: Validation of the Coastal Zone Wind Power Potential. A Summary of the Field Experiment. 1980
Composition of Motor Vehicle Organic Emissions under Elevated Temperature Summer Driving Conditions (75 to 105 deg F). 1992
Constant volume sampling system water condensation / 1993
Constant Volume Sampling System Water Condensation. SAE Technical Paper Series. 1994
Effect of load simulation on auto emissions and model performance / 1983
Evaluation of a FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer) Mobile Source Measurement System. 1989
Influence of Oxygenated Fuels on the Emissions from Three Pre-1985 Light-Duty Passenger Vehicles. 1994
Kinetic properties of malic dehydrogenase from three cultivars of rice / 1992
Odor control by scrubbing in the rendering industry / 1976
Odor control by scrubbing in the rendering industry / 1976
Photo-Oxidation of Automobile Emissions: Measurements of the Transformation Products and Their Mutagenic Activity. 1992
Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment United States Naval Base Norfolk Naval Air Station. 1995

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