Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Smith AND John)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A biological survey and fishery management plan for the streams of the Lake Superior north shore watershed, 1944
A field study to compare performance of stainless steel research monitoring wells with existing on-farm drinking water wells in measuring pesticide and nitrate concentrations / 1998
A study of endemic pellagra in some cotton-mill villages of South Carolina, 1929
A survey of alternate methods for cooling condenser discharge water : system, selection, design, and optimization / 1971
Abundance of trace and minor elements in organic and mineral fractions of coal / 1980
Aerodynamics for engineers 1979
Alternate methods of manure handling / 1978
An evaluation of the organochromium content of sewage sludge / 1979
Analyses for PCDDs and PCDFs in samples obtained from EPA audit of the PCB demonstration test Unison Second Set (activity ag) 1987
Analysis of EPA pesticide monitoring networks / 1979
Aquametry : a treatise on methods for the determination of water / 1977
Are We Controlling Water Pollution in the Southeast. 1968
Areawide stormwater pollution analysis with the macroscopic planning (ABMAC) model / 1981
Areawide Stormwater Pollution Analysis with the Macroscopic Planning (ABMAC) Model. Part I. Documentation and Application. Part II. User's Manual. 1981
Asbestos fiber reentrainment during vacuuming and wet-cleaning of carpet at a captive research site / 1989
Atmospheric distributions, sources and sinks of selected halocarbons, hydrocarbons, SF6 and N2O / 1979
Biology and Conservation of Horseshoe Crabs [electronic resource] / 2009
Biosphere modeling and dose assessment for Yucca Mountain 1996
Biotechnology principles 1985
Butylated hydroxytoluene : draft report / 1984
Characterization of atmospheric emissions from polyurethane resin manufacture / 1974
Development of an example control strategy for lead / 1979
Dictionary of waste and water treatment 1983
Dictionary of waste and water treatment 1981
Digital habitats : stewarding technology for communities / 2009
Eco-Library Design [electronic resource] / 2014
Eco-Urban Design [electronic resource] / 2011
Effect of aging on aluminum hydroxide complexes in dilute aqueous solutions / 1972
Effect of land use management on flood predictions 1977
Effect of Wastewater Phosphorus Removal on Shagawa Lake, Minnesota: Phosphorus Supplies, Lake Phosphorus and Chlorophyll A. 1979
Electrodialysis in Advanced Waste Treatment. 1967
Environmental data trend report World Trade Center disaster final update - trends for data collected 9/11/01 to 7/31/02 from lower Manhattan. 2003
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : [beta]-chloroethers / 1978
Environmental pathways of selected chemicals in freshwater systems / 1977
Environmental pathways of selected chemicals in freshwater systems : Part II. Laboratory studies. / 1978
Epigenomics [electronic resource] / 2009
Evaluation of ozone calibration procedures / 1980
Expanded bed biological treatment / 1978
Extensive overburden potentials for soil and water quality / 1976
Fate of halogenated compounds in the atmosphere : interim report - 1977 / 1978
Field and laboratory methods applicable to overburdens and minesoils / 1978
Fungal biotechnology 1980
Gas chromatographic/Fourier transform infrared analysis of trace organics : feasibility of analysis after collection of organics on TENAX/GC sorbent cartridges / 1985
Gas chromatographic/Fourier transform infrared analysis of trace organics : feasibility of analysis after collection of organics on TENAX/GC sorbent cartridges / 1986
Glossary of entomology; Smith's "An explanation of terms used in entomology", 1937
Guideline for public reporting of daily air quality : pollutant standards index (PSI) / 1976
Handbook of veterinary drugs 1998
Hazardous pollutants in class II landfills : a research report / 1986
Impact of a clay cap on the migration of hazardous materials from a land disposal site 1986
Indices identifying subsurface microbial communities that are adapted to organic pollution/ 1985
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