Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Smith AND John AND M)

Select Item Title Year Published
A study of endemic pellagra in some cotton-mill villages of South Carolina, 1929
Biosphere modeling and dose assessment for Yucca Mountain 1996
Development of an example control strategy for lead / 1979
Eco-Library Design [electronic resource] / 2014
Eco-Urban Design [electronic resource] / 2011
Epigenomics [electronic resource] / 2009
Expanded bed biological treatment / 1978
Extensive overburden potentials for soil and water quality / 1976
Field and laboratory methods applicable to overburdens and minesoils / 1978
Gas chromatographic/Fourier transform infrared analysis of trace organics : feasibility of analysis after collection of organics on TENAX/GC sorbent cartridges / 1985
Interest group perceptions of development issues in tidewater Virginia / 1977
Interim report on the impact of Public Law 92-500 : on municipal pollution control technology / 1976
Investigation of surface films : Chesapeake Bay entrance / 1974
Mycotoxins : formation, analysis, and significance 1985
Odor and corrosion control in sanitary sewerage systems and treatment plants 1989
Organochlorine Contaminants of Wintering Ducks Foraging on Detroit River Sediments / 1984
Photochemical methods for purifying water / 1972
Process design manual for upgrading existing wastewater treatment plants. 1974
Renovation of municipal wastewater by reverse osmosis / 1970
Statistical analysis of abandoned mine drainage in the assessment of pollution load : (the Griffiths Report) / 2001
The Development and calibration of a spatially simplified multi-class phytoplankton model for Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron / 1980
The ecological condition of the Pensacola Bay System, Northwest Florida / 2005
Upgrading existing lagoons / 1973
Urban stormwater management and technology : update and users' guide / 1977
Wastewater disposal system / 1976

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