Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1971 animal investigation program : annual report / 1975
A field study to compare performance of stainless steel research monitoring wells with existing on-farm drinking water wells in measuring pesticide and nitrate concentrations / 1998
AAEC tritium list no. 2, 1975-1976 / 1977
AAEC tritium list no.2, 1975-1976 1977
Abundance of trace and minor elements in organic and mineral fractions of coal / 1980
Accumulation Factors for Eleven Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners. 1990
Acute Toxicity of Butylbenzyl Phthalate to Shiner Perch, 'Cymatogaster aggregata'. 1983
Adaptive herbivore ecology : from resources to populations in variable environments / 2002
Additional mini-canister evaluation / 1985
Advanced combustion systems for stationary gas turbine engines. 1980
Advanced Combustion Systems for Stationary Gas Turbine Engines: Volume II. Bench Scale Evaluation. 1980
Advanced Combustion Systems for Stationary Gas Turbine Engines: Volume III. Combustor Verification Testing. 1980
Aeration as a lake management technique 1975
AERE (Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) Workshop on Recreation Demand Modeling. 1985
Agricultural recycling of sewage sludge and the environment 1996
Air pollution : a survey, carried out for the Society of Chemical Industry, into the causes, incidence and effects of air pollution / 1966
Air quality analysis workshop / 1975
Air quality analysis workshop / 1975
Air Quality Analysis Workshop. Volume II. Executive Summary. 1976
Alternate methods of manure handling / 1978
American science policy since World War II 1990
An ecological assessment of the United States Mid-Atlantic Region : a landscape atlas / 1997
An evaluation of techniques for the measurement of low concentrations of trace gases in the atmosphere / 1970
An overview of major wetland functions and values / 1984
Analysis of chlorinated organic compounds formed during chlorination of wastewater products. 1982
Analytical procedures for characterizing unregulated emissions from vehicles using middle-distillate fuels, interim report / 1980
Analytical procedures for characterizing unregulated pollutant emissions from motor vehicles / 1979
Animal investigation program 1969 annual report / 1970
Animal investigation program 1970 annual report / 1974
Animal investigation program 1972 annual report / 1976
Animal investigation program 1973 annual report : Nevada Test Site and vicinity / 1977
Animal investigation program 1974 annual report : Nevada Test Site and vicinity / 1977
Animal investigation program 1976 annual report / 1978
Animal investigation program 1978 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1980
Animal investigation program 1979 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1981
Animal investigation program 1980 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1982
Animal investigation program 1981 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1983
Anthropogenic emissions data for the 1985 NAPAP inventory : final report / 1988
Application of Capillary Supercritical Fluid Chromatography to the Analysis of a Middle Distillate Fuel. 1984
Application of Contaminant Enrichment Modules to Organic Trace Analysis. 1981
Approach for assessing wetland functions using hydrogeomorphic classification, reference wetlands, and functional indices 1995
Aquatic fate process data for organic priority pollutants / 1982
Aquatic plants for water treatment and resource recovery 1987
Asbestos fiber reentrainment during vacuuming and wet-cleaning of carpet at a captive research site / 1989
Assessment of atmospheric emissions from petroleum refining / 1980
Assessment of industrial hazardous waste practices : inorganic chemicals industry / 1975
Assessment of unregulated emissions from gasoline oxygenated blends. / 1991
Assessment of VOC emissions and their control from baker's yeast manufacturing facilities / 1992
Atmospheric measurements of selected hazardous organic chemicals : interim report, 1980 / 1981
Automated Cryogenic Preconcentration and Gas Chromatographic Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air. 1984
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