Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Accumulation Factors for Eleven Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners. 1990
Advanced combustion systems for stationary gas turbine engines. 1980
Advanced Combustion Systems for Stationary Gas Turbine Engines: Volume II. Bench Scale Evaluation. 1980
Advanced Combustion Systems for Stationary Gas Turbine Engines: Volume III. Combustor Verification Testing. 1980
Anthropogenic emissions data for the 1985 NAPAP inventory : final report / 1988
Application of Contaminant Enrichment Modules to Organic Trace Analysis. 1981
Assessment of industrial hazardous waste practices : inorganic chemicals industry / 1975
Assessment of VOC emissions and their control from baker's yeast manufacturing facilities / 1992
Automated Cryogenic Preconcentration and Gas Chromatographic Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air. 1984
Behavioural ecology ecological consequences of adaptive behaviour : the 25th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Reading, 1984 / 1985
Bibliography of limnology and aquatic fauna and flora of Saskatchewan / 1974
Breeding birds of Washington State : location data and predicted distributions / 1997
Buffer additives for lime/limestone slurry scrubbing synthesis, mass transfer, and degradation {MICROFICHE} 1984
Chemical and biological characterization of leachates from coal solid wastes / 1980
Coal conversion control technology / 1979
Coal conversion control technology volume II : gaseous emissions; solid wastes / 1979
Coal Conversion Control Technology. Volume I. Environmental Regulations; Liquid Effluents. 1979
Coal Conversion Control Technology. Volume II. Gaseous Emissions; Solid Wastes. 1979
Comparison of ambient air sampling techniques for volatile organic compounds / 1986
Comparison of ambient air sampling techniques for volatile organic compounds / 1985
Cyclone Samplers for Measuring the Concentration of Inhalable Particles in Process Streams. 1982
Design manual : phosphorus removal. 1987
Determination and Occurrence of AHH-Active Polychlorinated Biphenyls, 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-p-Dioxin and 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran in Lake Michigan Sediment and Biota. The Question of Their Relative Toxicological Significance. 1990
Determination, Fate, and Potential Significance of PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) in Fish and Sediment Samples with Emphasis on Selected AHH-Inducing Congeners. 1988
Development of an example control strategy for lead / 1979
Development of Analytical Standards for the Analysis of Organic Compounds Present in PM2.5. 2000
Development of benthic biological monitoring criteria for disposal of low-level radioactive waste in the abyssal deep sea / 1988
Development of Benthic Biological Monitoring Criteria for Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste in the Abyssal Deep Sea. 1988
Distribution of contaminants in waters of Monroe Harbor (River Raisin) Michigan and Adjacent Lake Erie / 1988
Dominant Lethal Effects of Subchronic Acrylamide Administration in the Male Long-Evans Rat. 1986
Drinking water treatment optimization using the pipe-loop system : demonstration at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD / 1990
Effect of hydrogen sulfide on fish and invertebrates. 1976
Effect of hydrogen sulfide on fish and invertebrates. Part I, Acute and chronic toxicity studies / 1976
Effects of Chlorine Dioxide on the Developing Rat Brain. 1990
Emissions of metals and organics from municipal wastewater sludge incinerators. : Volume 2. Site 1 final emission test report (final report 1987-1990) / 1989
Environmental factors in human growth and development 1982
Environmental technology verification report : soil gas sampling technology, Quadrel Services, Inc. EMFLUX(R) soil gas system / 1998
EPA Utility FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Survey. 1981
EPA utility FGD survey : December 1978 - January 1979 / 1979
Evaluation of and alternate designs for National Human Monitoring Program's Adipose Tissue survey 1980
Evaluation of biofilter media for treatment of air streams containing VOC's / 1993
Evaluation of cryogenic trapping as a means for collecting organic compounds in ambient air / 1985
Evaluation of the Teratogenic Effects of Tri-ortho-cresyl Phosphate in the Long-Evans Hooded Rat. 1987
Executive overview and detailed summary / 1978
Extensive overburden potentials for soil and water quality / 1976
Feasibility study of regenerative fibers for water pollution control / 1970
Feasibility study of the effectiveness of drilling mud as a plugging agent in abandoned wells 1990
Field and laboratory methods applicable to overburdens and minesoils / 1978
Flame suppression and lubricant interaction of hydrocarbon mixtures for household refrigerators/freezers / 1994
Gas chromatographic/Fourier transform infrared analysis of trace organics : feasibility of analysis after collection of organics on TENAX/GC sorbent cartridges / 1985
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