Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A field study to compare performance of stainless steel research monitoring wells with existing on-farm drinking water wells in measuring pesticide and nitrate concentrations / 1998
Acute Toxicity of Butylbenzyl Phthalate to Shiner Perch, 'Cymatogaster aggregata'. 1983
Alternative Methods of Financing Wastewater Treatment. Report to Congress. 1975
Alternative to Least Squares Statistics for Comparison of Duplicate Measurements. 1983
Anthropogenic emissions data for the 1985 NAPAP inventory : final report / 1988
Applicability of the thermal DeNOx process to coal-fired utility boilers / 1979
Aquatic fate process data for organic priority pollutants / 1982
Are We Controlling Water Pollution in the Southeast. 1968
Asbestos fiber reentrainment during vacuuming and wet-cleaning of carpet at a captive research site / 1989
Atmospheric distributions, sources and sinks of selected halocarbons, hydrocarbons, SF6 and N2O / 1979
Automated Cryogenic Preconcentration and Gas Chromatographic Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air. 1984
Biological filtration monitoring and control toolbox : guidance manual / 2013
Buffer additives for lime/limestone slurry scrubbing synthesis, mass transfer, and degradation {MICROFICHE} 1984
Causes of Death among Anesthesiologists: 1930-1946. 1981
Characterization of two core holes from the Naval Oil Shale Reserve Number 1 / 1981
Characterization of Two Core Holes from the Naval Oil Shale Reserve Number 1. 1981
Chemical and biological characterization of leachates from coal solid wastes / 1980
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspectives. Task 1 Technical alternatives to selected chlorofluorocarbon uses. 1976
Compacted Soil Barriers at Abandoned Landfill Sites Are Likely to Fail in the Long Term. 1993
Comparison of the In vivo and In vitro Response of Mammalian Embryos to a Teratogenic Insult. 1983
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. Volume 1. 1996
Demonstration/Field Study of New Designs of Automated Gas Chromatographs in Connecticut and Other Locations, 1992. 1993
Dioxins. 1980
Distribution of contaminants in waters of Monroe Harbor (River Raisin) Michigan and Adjacent Lake Erie / 1988
Effect of Nitrate Addition on Biorestoration of Fuel-Contaminated Aquifer: Field Demonstration. 1991
Environmental pathway models for estimating population health effects from disposal of high-level radioactive waste in geologic repositories / 1982
Environmental pathway models for estimating population health effects from disposal of high-level radioactive waste in geologic repositories / 1986
Environmental pathways of selected chemicals in freshwater systems / 1977
Environmental pathways of selected chemicals in freshwater systems : Part II. Laboratory studies. / 1978
Environmental technology verification report : soil gas sampling technology, Quadrel Services, Inc. EMFLUX® soil gas system / 1998
EPA utility FGD survey, June-July 1978 / 1978
Evaluation of Alternatives for HFC-134A Refrigerant in Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning. 1997
Evaluation of and alternate designs for National Human Monitoring Program's Adipose Tissue survey 1980
Evaluation of Ikon-12 (Trade Name) Refrigerant for Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning. 1997
Evaluation of the proposed ambient air monitoring equivalent and reference methods / 1974
Extraction and characterisation of aqueous organic acids from natural waters 1993
Factors limiting microbial growth in distribution systems Full-scale experiments / 1996
Feasibility study of regenerative fibers for water pollution control / 1970
Field Evaluation of a Simple Microcosm Simulating the Behavior of Volatile Organic Compounds in Subsurface Materials. 1987
Fine particle charging development / 1977
Flow contribution and water quality with depth in a test hole and public-supply wells : implications for arsenic remediation through well modification, Norman, Oklahoma, 2003-2006 / 2009
Food habits and radionuclide tissue concentrations of Nevada desert bighorn sheep 1972-1973 / 1976
Gas chromatographic/Fourier transform infrared analysis of trace organics : feasibility of analysis after collection of organics on TENAX/GC sorbent cartridges / 1986
Gas chromatographic/Fourier transform infrared analysis of trace organics : feasibility of analysis after collection of organics on TENAX/GC sorbent cartridges / 1985
Impact of Ozone and Sulphur Dioxide on Soybeam Yield. 1986
Impact of Ozone on Winter Wheat Yield. 1985
Inactivation of 'Campylobacter jejuni' by Chlorine and Monochloramine. 1986
Interlaboratory evaluation of measurements for HCN and H2S released from wastes / 1985
Interlaboratory Evaluation of Measurements for HCN and H2S Released from Wastes. 1984
Investigation of test kits for detection of lead in paint, soil and dust / 1993
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