Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 204
Showing: Items 51 - 100

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Select Item Title Year Published
Computer program documentation for the dynamic estuary model : an intermediate technical report / 1974
Conservation in the United States; a documentary history. 1971
Continuous subsurface injection of liquid dairy manure / 1977
Conversion of organic wastes to unleaded, high-octane gasoline / 1984
Conversion of organic wastes to unleaded, high-octane gasoline {microform} / 1984
Coping with global climate change : the role of adaptation in the United States / 2004
Cotton dust controls in yarn manufacturing 1974
Cyclone Samplers for Measuring the Concentration of Inhalable Particles in Process Streams. 1982
Design manual : dewatering municipal wastewater sludges. 1987
Determination of the feasibility of the long-range transport of ozone or ozone precursors / 1974
Development and laboratory evaluation of a five-stage cyclone system / 1978
Effect of Nitrate Addition on Biorestoration of Fuel-Contaminated Aquifer: Field Demonstration. 1991
Effects of suspended sediments on penetration of solar radiation into natural waters / 1983
Effects of suspended sediments on penetration of solar radiation into natural waters : final report / 1983
Effects of the herbicide alachlor on larval development of the mud crab "rhithropanopeus harrisii' (Gould) / 1988
Electric utility steam generating units : Flue gas desulfurization capabilities as of October 1978 / 1979
Electrostatic Precipitator Backup Filter for Sampling Systems. 1980
Electrostatic precipitators for collection of high resistivity ash / 1979
Energy Utilization in the Production of Anhydrous Ethyl Alcohol for Gasohol. 1982
Energy, structure, and reactivity; proceedings. 1973
Environmental pathways of selected chemicals in freshwater systems / 1977
Environmental pathways of selected chemicals in freshwater systems : Part II. Laboratory studies. / 1978
EPA assessment of fallout in the United States from atmospheric nuclear testing on September 26 and November 17, 1976 by the People's Republic of China / 1977
EPA utility FGD survey : April-May 1978 / 1978
EPA utility FGD survey : August - September 1978 / 1979
EPA utility FGD survey : October-November 1978 / 1979
EPA utility FGD survey, June-July 1978 / 1978
Estimation of air impacts for the excavation of contaminated soil / 1992
Evaluation of a teflon based ultraviolet light system on the disinfection of water in a textile air washer 1988
Evaluation of an electrostatic precipitator for control of emissions from a copper smelter reverberatory furnace / 1980
Evaluation of and alternate designs for National Human Monitoring Program's Adipose Tissue survey 1980
Evaluation of mixing systems for biogasification of municipal solid waste / 1981
Evaluation of the PILLS IV / 1978
Examination of the Reproductive Effects of Tricresyl Phosphate Administered to Long-Evans Rats. 1987
Experimental Investigations of Fine Particle Charging by Unipolar Ions: A Review. 1977
Extraction and characterisation of aqueous organic acids from natural waters 1993
Factors limiting microbial growth in distribution systems Full-scale experiments / 1996
Fate of halogenated compounds in the atmosphere : interim report - 1977 / 1978
Field Evaluation of a Simple Microcosm Simulating the Behavior of Volatile Organic Compounds in Subsurface Materials. 1987
Fine particle charging development / 1977
Fine-particle measurement handbook final report, January 1984 / 1984
Five-Stage Cyclone System for in Situ Sampling. 1979
Food habits and radionuclide tissue concentrations of Nevada desert bighorn sheep 1972-1973 / 1976
Forgotten genius / 2007
French and Quinebaug Rivers 1974 & 1976 water quality analysis / 1978
Fungal biotechnology 1980
Fused Silica Capillary Column GC/MS for the Analysis of Priority Pollutants. 1981
Geohydrologic framework, ground-water quality and flow, and brackish-water intrusion in east-central Anne Arundel County, Maryland 1996
Guidelines for particulate sampling in gaseous effluents from industrial processes / 1979
Half-Life of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Occupationally Exposed Workers. 1989
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