Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 279
Showing: Items 201 - 250

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Select Item Title Year Published
Quantitative and qualitative survey of benthal deposits contained in the Houston Ship Channel 1970
R-245ca: A Potential Far-Term Alternative for R-11. 1993
Radioactive Isotopic Characterization of the Environment Near Wiscasset, Maine Using Pre- and Post-Operational Surveys in the Vicinity of the Maine Yankee Nuclear Reactor. 1976
Radioactive isotopic characterization of the environment near Wiscasset, Maine using pre- and post-operational surveys in the vicinity of the Maine Yankee Nuclear Reactor. 1976
Rare and endangered fish of Illinois 1973
Recommendations for the National Surface Water Monitoring Program : report two / 1980
Regional Inventory for Critical Natural Areas, Wetland Ecosystems, and Endangered Species Habitats of the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Region. Phase 3 Report. 1993
Remedial action modeling assessment : Western Processing site, Kent, Washington / 1985
Report on algal toxicity tests on selected Office of Toxic Substances (OTS) chemicals / 1989
Report on Vitellogenin Gene Expression in Fathead Minnows and Pearl Dace from Reference (Non-Dosed) and Lakes Dosed with EE2 in the Canadian Experimental Lakes Area. 2004
Respiration and Osmoregulation of the Estuarine Crab 'Rhithropanopeus harrisii' (Gould): Effects of the Herbicide, Alachlor. 1989
Review of Techniques for Incineration of Sewage Sludge with Solid Wastes. 1976
Rock type and minimum 7-day/10-year flow in Virginia streams 1981
Sampling and data handling methods for inhalable particulate sampling / 1982
Sampling charged particles with cascade impactors / 1979
Sarasota Bay: The Voyage to Paradise Reclaimed, 1995. The Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan for Sarasota Bay. 1995
Selected irrigation return flow quality abstracts, 1974 : fourth annual issue / 1976
Selected irrigation return flow quality abstracts, 1975 : fifth annual issue / 1977
Selected irrigation return flow quality abstracts, 1976 : sixth annual issue / 1978
Selected irrigation return flow quality abstracts, 1977 : seventh annual issue / 1979
Sewage lagoons in cold climates. 1985
Short course proceedings : applications of computer programs in the preliminary design of wastewater treatment facilities : August 15-19, 1977, Illinois Institute of Technology / 1978
Short Course Proceedings, Applications of Computer Programs in the Preliminary Design of Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Section II. Users' Guide and Program Listing. 1978
Single-laboratory evaluation of osmium analytical methods : report for January 1988 - April 1989 / 1989
Smith's general urology / 2000
SOC (Synthetic Organic Compounds) Rejection by Nanofiltration. 1989
Soil survey Clallam County, Washington / 1951
Soil survey of the Prineville area, Oregon / 1966
Spartina "die-back" in Louisiana marshes 1970
Sperm Count, Morphology and Fluorescent Body Frequency in Autopsy Service Workers Exposed to Formaldehyde. 1984
Springer gas play in western Oklahoma. 2001
Stabilization/solidification of CERCLA and RCRA wastes : physical tests, chemical testing procedures, technology screening, and field activities. 1989
Statistical analysis of abandoned mine drainage in the assessment of pollution load : (the Griffiths Report) / 2001
Stock assessment of the Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, fishery 1988
Storm water management model user's manual, version II / 1975
Study of factors affecting reactions in environmental chambers : final report - phase II / 1974
Study of Factors Affecting Reactions in Environmental Chambers. 1974
Summary of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's OHMSETT testing, 1974-1979 / 1981
Summary of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Ohmsett Testing, 1974-1979. 1981
Supercritical fluid chromatography for high molecular weight organic analysis / 1986
Supercritical Fluid Chromatography for High Molecular Weight Organic Analysis. 1986
Supercritical fluid extraction : gas chromatography of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from Tenax devices / 1987
Supercritical fluid extraction : gas chromatography of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from Tenax devices : project summary / 1987
Supercritical fluid extraction of particulate and adsorbent materials / 1986
Supercritical fluid extraction of particulate and adsorbent materials : Part II / 1988
Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Particulate and Adsorbent Materials. 1986
Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Particulate and Adsorbent Materials. Part 2. 1987
Survey of chemical factors in Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) / 1977
Technical manual : a survey of equipment and methods for particulate sampling in industrial process streams / 1978
Test firing refuse-derived fuel in an industrial coal-fired boiler / 1985
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